Can I Delay Getting My Child Immunized Until After the COVID-19 Pandemic?

Starting at birth, children routinely receive immunizations against a variety of dangerous diseases. But due to the COVID-19 pandemic, parents may be waiting to begin—or resume—immunizations. Amy DeMattia, MD, MPH, Clinical Professor in Pediatrics at the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, explains why it is important not to delay most immunizations and answers questions about the safety of the doctor’s office.

My child is very healthy. Why do they need to be immunized?

Immunizations are safe, very effective, and a routine part of pediatric health care. There are a number of important reasons to get your child immunized. First—and arguably most important—it can save your child’s life. We immunize children against 14serious diseases, including whooping cough, diphtheria, tetanus, mumps, measles,rubella, rotavirus, polio, chickenpox, hepatitis B, and meningitis.

Some of the conditions we immunize against can cause serious illness, complications such as loss of hearing or brain damage, or even death. The danger is not just in the developing world. In the United States, measles, mumps, and whooping cough infect and cause severe illness in children each year.

In addition, immunizations enable us to help protect each other. Some children cannot be safely immunized, including those who are too young, are immunocompromised, or are taking certain medications. If enough people are immunized against a disease, it means there is significantly less chance anyone will become infected. This is called “herd immunity.” The number of people who must be immunized depends on how contagious that condition is. 

How do immunizations work?

Vaccines work by teaching the human body to recognize and fight off potentially harmful diseases. We give (either by mouth or through injection) a small amount of a weakened or dead virus or bacteria (called a pathogen) into the body. The body recognizes these pathogens as “foreign invaders” and responds by creating antibodies. Because the pathogens in the vaccine are already weakened or dead, they can’t hurt you. But the antibodies your body has developed can fight the infection—and “remember” the pathogen. Then, if the pathogen enters the body again, the antibody is already there, ready and able to fight it off. Some vaccines require more than one full dose to “teach” your child’s body to recognize and defend against the disease.

Can I delay getting my child immunized until after the pandemic?

The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) developed the current immunization schedule based on how children’s immune systems respond to vaccines at various ages and how likely your child is to be exposed to a particular disease. It is important to follow the schedule so that your child is fully protected before possible exposure. Infants, like older people and those who are immunocompromised, are considered especially vulnerable. We want to get them the protection they need when they need it.

Is there any flexibility on delaying or spacing out vaccinations? 

If you have any questions about vaccination scheduling, talk to your pediatrician first. Your doctor will know if there are any conditions that could affect your ability to delay an immunization.

In general, children under the age of two years require timely vaccination without any significant delay. There is more flexibility for children over age two, but this depends on the specific vaccination—not all can be delayed—and your family’s individual situation. For instance, in most cases you can take your child in for their second MMR vaccine anytime after four weeks from their first dose, though most children receive this vaccine between the ages of four and six years. Of note, however, many schools in New York State require two doses of the vaccine in order to attend. After one dose of the MMR vaccine, about 93 percent of people are immune to measles; the second dose raises that to 97 percent. While this might not seem like a big difference, it is significant in the world of immunology. 

Is it safe to take my child to a doctor’s office? 

We are fully committed to the safety of our patients and staff. While we understand that you may feel nervous, please know that we have put stringent protocols in place to protect every person, regardless of age.

New York City Is Reopening. Is it Safe to Date Again?

For much of spring, New York City bars, restaurants, and other public gathering spots remained empty of patrons as New Yorkers adhered to the strict social distancing mandate that helped flatten the curve of COVID-19. But, as the city moves through its phased reopening and people expand their social circle, is it safe to have in-person dates again?

Lina Miyakawa, MD, Assistant Professor, Medicine (Pulmonary, Critical Care, and Sleep Medicine) at the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, explains how to seek intimacy while protecting yourself and any partners from COVID-19.

New York City is slowly reopening. As we enter a “new normal” with COVID-19 as a persistent threat, is it safe to re-enter the dating world?

I strongly agree with the recommendations from the U.S. Centers of Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) the World Health Organization to wear masks, socially distance, and practice hand hygiene. While I remain optimistic that our world will thrive again, this pandemic is far from over and another surge is a very real possibility.

If you are thinking about dating, you should consider the risks of any interaction and weigh the risk of possibly infecting yourself or a loved one. These are not easy decisions to make. But we can use this time for self-development as well as to build new skills of communication and intimacy.

Also, it is important to remember that COVID-19 recommendations continue to be updated as we learn more about the disease. Everyone should stay up to date with safety recommendations issued by their state and locality.

If you have decided to have in-person dates, when is it appropriate to have non-masked interactions?

There are currently no guidelines to inform us on how to transition from masked to non-masked interactions. However, it is important to note that mask wearing is based on a risk profile—low, medium, and high. For example, low risk would be walking alone through a secluded section of Prospect Park; medium risk would be strolling along Orchard Beach with a friend; and high risk would be boarding a crowded 7 train. The transition from masked to non-masked interactions should also be based on a risk profile.

To assess your partner’s risk profile, you can ask them these questions:

  • How many contacts do you have on a daily basis?
  • Who do you live with?
  • Do you leave the house? If so, where do you go?
  • Do you follow the recommendations to mitigate the risk of exposure, like wearing a mask and practicing social distancing?
  • Do you work in situations with high exposure risk?

Also, don’t forget considering your own risk profile. Do you have an at-risk contact (such as a grandparent or a friend with chronic medical problems) who you see regularly?

Is the virus spread through sex?

Although COVID-19 has been detected in semen and feces, currently we do not think that the virus is spread through the sexual act. But, given that the virus is spread through respiratory droplets—which are much more likely to be shared when in close contact with another person—many sexual acts will be considered high risk. So, as the New York City Department of Health details in its safer sex and COVID-19 fact sheet, minimizing risks by exploring other avenues of meaningful interaction is suggested and recommended.

What should you look for after being intimate with someone new?  

After a close, high-risk encounter like sex, you should be mindful of your personal risk of contracting and falling ill to COVID-19 as well as the risk you may pose to those in your own circle. I recommend monitoring yourself closely for any symptoms of COVID-19 (fever, shortness of breath, cough, fatigue, the loss of taste and smell). Also, consider getting a COVID-19 test five to seven days after the interaction. I would also refrain from interacting with any at-risk persons within a 14 day period after the encounter. If you cannot avoid contact with a high-risk individual, take precautions to lower your risk profile by social distancing, choosing to interact with the individual in outdoor spaces as opposed to indoor spaces, and wearing a mask.

What do you tell patients who are frustrated with quarantine and eager to expand their social circle again?

I recognize that it’s not easy to practice social distancing and I acknowledge that human connection and touch is important.

However, just as it is common courtesy to step aside to create space for someone to walk by, you should wear a mask to protect others—as you may be an asymptomatic carrier. And, prior to opening up your circle, you should carefully consider your risk profile and that of your potential partner.

We are all linked in this global fight against COVID-19 and we have to look out for each other to stay safe. The most dangerous illusion you can have during a pandemic is that it’s only happening to other people, someplace else.

What Do I Need to Know About Hotels and Vacation Rentals During the COVID-19 Pandemic?

Much as you may be bored with staying home, the decision to travel during this time is a difficult one. Experts recommend avoiding all non-essential travel. Any travel, says the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), increases your chances of getting and spreading COVID-19. But if you still need—or want—to get away, Mirna Mohanraj, MD, a pulmonologist with the Mount Sinai Health System, answers some of your questions about staying in hotels and vacation rentals like Airbnbs during the pandemic.

Is it safe to travel? How should I decide where to go?

The CDC states that travel increases your chances of getting and spreading COVID-19. You should stay home if you have any COVID-19 symptoms, have been diagnosed with COVID-19, are waiting for COVID-19 test results, or were recently exposed to someone with COVID-19.

There’s never been a better time for a staycation. But, if you do want to travel, talk with your doctor about your personal risk and try to avoid areas that are experiencing an increase in new COVID-19 cases. Also, the CDC provides detailed guidelines on personal precautions to reduce your chances of getting and spreading the virus.

Should I stay at a hotel or a rent an apartment?

Both options may increase your risk of getting and spreading COVID-19. Hotels have the added challenge of high-traffic areas like lobbies, elevators, gyms, restaurants, and other common spaces. For this reason, it may be better to stay at a non-shared facility like an Airbnb. Airbnb has posted its safety guidelines to help travelers and hosts know what to expect. For hotels, safety precautions vary. Be sure to inquire about your specific lodging place before arrival.

How do I pick a safe place to stay?

To find a place that meets your comfort level, do your research in advance. Check the hotel or vacation rental website to see if it is following the guidelines issued by the CDC and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). Also, check that the facility is adhering to any state or local guidelines for cleaning and disinfection. In general, the location should follow special protocols between guests as well as throughout the day. They should be especially careful about disinfecting high contact surfaces like doorknobs, light switches, and elevator panels.

It is also important that the location screens staff daily for COVID-19 symptoms as well as follows guidelines for social distancing and wearing masks/appropriate protective gear. Opt for facilities that have committed to reduced occupancy and contactless check-in/check-out and inquire if there is a minimum vacancy period or ‘booking buffer’ between guest departures (Airbnb recommends 72 hours. This may be based on studies published in The New England Journal of Medicine and The Lancet have shown that the virus can live on hard surfaces for up to three days. So, even if a facility does not perform enhanced cleaning perfectly, this should leave adequate time for the virus to die.). Ask if you can text message hotel services rather than communicate in person during your stay. And, check if the facility has contactless room service as your hotel room is the safest place to eat.

Once you arrive, you may find that your hotel experience is different than what you are used to. Some hotels are sealing guest rooms prior to arrival to show that they are following cleaning protocols. Your room may also be stocked differently and may not contain items that are difficult to disinfect, such as robes and blankets. If your hotel/vacation rental is following all the appropriate guidelines, it should be safe to use whatever materials are in the room.

How can I protect myself?

As with everything else during this pandemic, it is best to be prepared. Bring plenty of face coverings and hand sanitizer. You can’t be sure that your hotel or vacation rental will provide these. Avoid face-to-face encounters whenever possible and wear a face covering as soon as you leave your room. Take the stairs instead of the elevator. Try to avoid any common areas, such as gyms, restaurants, and lobbies, and only use your private bathroom. If you find yourself in a common area, be sure to keep six feet away from everyone outside your travel party.

There should be adequate ventilation—even with air conditioning—so, it’s always good to open windows and/or doors for better air circulation. If you’re concerned about disinfection protocol, you can bring your own cleaning supplies. You may even want to personally wipe down high contact surfaces in your room like remote controls, faucet handles, light switches, hangers, and doorknobs.

Is it safe to visit the hotel’s restaurant?

You might want to decide this in advance. Before you leave home, I recommend checking the hotel restaurant website to review its COVID-19 practices including personal protective gear for hosts and servers.

‘Grab and Go’ stations are safer than a sit-down meal and dining in a distanced open-air location is better than indoor service. But, if you do decide to eat in, avoid buffets, self-serve, and valet parking. Also, ask about safety protocols in advance. Is the restaurant limiting occupancy or making an effort to distance diners?  Are digital menus available? Can you order and pay via mobile device?

Is the hotel’s pool safe?

Being in a swimming pool or open water is unlikely to increase your risk of contracting COVID-19 as long as you maintain appropriate personal protective habits: frequent and appropriate handwashing after touching high-contact surfaces, face covering outside the water, and social distancing both in and out of the water.

However, before you enter the pool, inquire about the facility’s safety protocols. Is the location using enhanced cleaning and restricting capacity? Also, ask about the cleaning of shared equipment, such as bicycles and beach chairs, between guests.

If you have any other questions, check out the CDC website for full guidelines on travelling during the COVID-19 pandemic.

How Can Parents Safely Get Children Outdoors This Summer?

As the number of COVID-19 positive cases continue to decrease across New York State, many families are wondering how to resume activities in their children’s lives. We spoke with Catherine Spaulding, MD, a pediatrician at Mount Sinai Urgent Care, to get advice on how parents can safely host playdates, have children attend summer camp, and otherwise get their children outdoors.

Overnight camps have officially been cancelled in New York State for this summer. What precautions should parents take if they are sending children to a day camp?

The New York Health Department has laid out a number of measures for day camps and other child care facilities to follow to ensure children’s safety. These steps include but are not limited to social distancing practices—such as having fewer campers together at a time—staggering drop off and pick up times, limiting non-essential employees and visitors to the camp, and mandating that all employees and campers wear a face mask when they are less than six feet apart. Other mandatory practices include enhanced cleaning and hygiene practices, improved access to hand sanitizer throughout the camp, and encouragement of frequent hand washing during the day.

Camps are also required to screen all employees, vendors, visitors, and children for  symptoms or known exposure to a person with confirmed COVID-19 within the past 14 days. However, you can also keep your children and others safe by watching for signs of illness in your child. If you think they are getting sick for any reason, keep them at home, inform the camp, and talk with your doctor about next steps.

For more information about day camps in New York, check out these guidelines from the New York State Office of Children and Family Services.

How can parents safely organize playdates and trips to the playground?

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention still recommends against playdates with children from other homes. However, if you choose to host a playdate, it is best to keep the group of kids as small as possible. Encourage outdoor playtime and handwashing for at least 20 seconds with soap and water throughout the day, especially after being in a public setting such as a playground. If the playdate involves transportation, try to space the kids as far from one another as possible in the car and drive with the windows down. As in any public space, it is always recommended that any child above the age of two wears a face covering.

Now that larger gatherings are allowed, can children attend birthday parties, cookouts, or other get-togethers?

Large gatherings are safest if they can be held outdoors and if social distancing is respected. A face covering should be worn, and everyone should use hand sanitizer or wash hands frequently throughout the event. If your child has any signs of illness, such as a cough or fever, they should stay home and avoid contact with other children. If you are hosting an event, it may be helpful to talk with other parents beforehand and encourage them to keep their kids at home if they have any symptoms.

Also, it is important to keep in mind that different parts of New York are in different phases of reopening, which changes the number of people allowed at one time. For instance, Phase One allowed ten-person gatherings while in Phase Three allows up to 25 people to gather. Before organizing any event, find out what phase of reopening your region is currently in on the New York Forward site.

If parents are uncomfortable connecting with other families for playdates or get-togethers, what outdoor activities can parents arrange to keep their children active?

Keeping your kids active and promoting time outdoors is really important for their physical and mental health. Outdoor activities such as riding a bike, going for a walk or run, or taking a hike are great ways to keep your children healthy and safe while simultaneously encouraging physical activity. It is best to avoid group activities like basketball or football since these sports require close contact with other kids. However, kicking a soccer ball around is a great option for outdoor play—just remember to wipe the ball clean before and after use.

For more ideas about how to safely engage in outdoor activities, check out this piece from, a website from the American Academy of Pediatricians. 

Staying Safe During the COVID-19 Pandemic and Beyond: A Guide for IPV Survivor Well-Being

Isolation, uncertainty about tomorrow, and fear of consequences that are out of their control can be common experiences, especially for those in abusive relationships. According to Angela Fernandez, Assistant Director of the Sexual Assault and Violence Intervention (SAVI) Program at Mount Sinai, the voluntary seclusion that many have been practicing in order to prevent the spread of COVID-19 may be compounding these realities for survivors of intimate partner violence.

“Abusers will often isolate a survivor and disconnect them from their support network,” says Ms. Fernandez. “COVID-19 is just another factor that makes these challenges harder for a survivor.”

How can survivors remain safe and connected to support when physical distance is essential for safety? As we weather the current pandemic, Ms. Fernandez provides safety tips for survivors—and their loved ones—that are applicable now and as we enter a new normal due to COVID-19.

Identify a “go to” person or network of people in your physical or digital community.

As much as possible, create scheduled check-ins with your support network, and identify at least two people you can contact with an established code word or phrase that will let them know that you are in trouble. Using this word or phrase will indicate that you need an immediate help or intervention.

Discuss with your support network what “getting help” means to you.

“Getting help” is a catch-all phrase that could mean any number of things. Be sure to let your support network know what should happen immediately after you use a code word/phrase/sentence. Would you like someone to help de-escalate a situation, should someone call 911, or do you need to leave?

“Every survivor’s situation is unique and evolving,” says Ms. Fernandez. She notes that physical violence is often seen as the main threat to a survivor’s safety, despite the prevalence of psychological, emotional, and sexual abuse—which are often concurring and are equally damaging to their well-being. “Using a code word or phrase could very well indicate the immediate need for emotional first-aid as much as a physical intervention.”

Be prepared to leave if your situation escalates.

Think about the easiest and safest routes for you to get out of your home quickly, if necessary. Keep an emergency bag that you can quickly fill (or, pre-packed if safe to do so) with a portion of your medication, money, important documents, and food and that you can access on your own time. Keep your identification on you as much as possible.

Identify the “safest” spaces inside.

To protect yourself during times of escalation, think ahead about what spaces feel safest. This might mean a room where there are no weapons (i.e. avoiding the kitchen) and/or has easy access to a door or window to exit the house or apartment. Identifying the safest areas within the home can at least reduce the risk of harm.

If you are part of a survivor’s support network, remember that the person experiencing intimate partner violence knows their situation best.  

What you believe to be best may differ from the survivor’s lived experience. In fact, for a survivor, the risks of leaving can often outweigh the risks of staying—especially during a pandemic that has exacerbated economic instability.

Supporters should be careful not to take control away from survivors, which is what the abuser is doing on a daily basis.

“When we look at the power and control dynamics, just because you think you are taking action with good intentions, doesn’t make it any less disempowering for a survivor,” says Ms. Fernandez. “We should be helping to re-empower that person by making sure they have space to consider what is best for them.”

This is especially important now when there are fewer resources available due to the pandemic but holds true during “normal times,” Ms. Fernandez says. Seeking police intervention should be the exception and not the general practice for supporting survivors of intimate partner violence, she says, but this calculation changes if there is a threat of serious and imminent harm.

If you or a loved one needs advice, assistance, or support regarding sexual assault or intimate partner violence; the Sexual Assault and Violence Intervention (SAVI) Program at Mount Sinai is available to help. For more information, visit the SAVI website or call 212-423-2140. 

Additional resources include the National Domestic Violence Hotline and Safe Horizon, which provides social services for survivors throughout the five boroughs.

Protecting Yourself from COVID-19 as New York Reopens

New York State has been on PAUSE—a period of sheltering in place and the closing of non-essential businesses—since Sunday, March 22, in order to tackle the COVID-19 pandemic. Now that the state has significantly decreased its new cases of the novel coronavirus, Mayor Bill de Blasio and Governor Andrew Cuomo have begun to ease restrictions. While this is a very positive sign of progress, reopening may cause some anxiety for many New Yorkers who have been keeping their distance from others.

Dana S. Mazo, MD, MSc, an Assistant Professor of Medicine (Infectious Disease) at the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai and  physician lead for Infection Prevention at Mount Sinai Queens, explains how to safely transition to a more bustling New York City and what you need to know about protecting yourself as the city and state reopen.

How can New Yorkers prepare for reopening?

It’s completely reasonable to be anxious; we are in unchartered waters. When we stop sheltering at home, life will not go right back to how it used to be—we will enter a new normal. The good point here is that we have been practicing all of the measures we need to take to keep us safe for this ‘new normal’ during the PAUSE. Once we can go outside for more non-essential reasons, we should continue to practice social distancing, wear a mask, clean high-touch surfaces such as door knobs, and practice good hand hygiene. Those are the key behaviors that everyone can do to remain safe.

Additionally, the Mayor and the Governor will reopen the city and state in stages. This will give us time to adapt to the changes so that you can keep yourself, your loved ones, and the people around you safe.

If I am wearing a mask, do I need to continue to practice social distancing?

It is important to keep doing all of the preventative behaviors—including social distancing—regardless of whether you are wearing a mask. The most important role of the mask is to protect the people around you because, even if you are not exhibiting symptoms, you can still be infected with and spread the coronavirus.

The virus is spread via respiratory droplets. So if you are talking, singing, coughing, or shouting without being masked, the droplets can spread from your mouth to someone else. Wearing a mask reduces the spread but doesn’t stop it completely. That’s why wearing a mask alone is not sufficient. You should still practice social distancing—try to keep more than six feet away from other people—and wash your hands.

Hand washing is one of the most important measures that you can do to prevent spreading or contracting the coronavirus. Not only can droplets spread through close, unmasked talking, but droplets can fall on surfaces. If someone touches the surface where infected droplets have fallen and then touches their face, it is possible for them to contract the virus. Additionally, it is very important to stay home if you’re not feeling well, especially if you have a fever, cough, or headache.

While I am excited to get back outside, I am concerned about large, crowded areas. Are there special precautions I should take to protect myself?

The good thing is that your likelihood of becoming infected with the coronavirus outside is less than your likelihood of contracting the virus inside. When you’re outside, there is usually more space so it is easier to social distance likely that you are going to touch the same surfaces as other people.  it’s much less likely that you are going to touch the same surfaces as other people, like when you are riding a crowded subway, eating in a restaurant, or going to the movies.

So, being outside is good not just for your peace of mind and enjoyment, but also because it is harder to spread coronavirus. That said, it is still possible to contract coronavirus outside, even if the risk is less than when you are indoors.  So, you should still practice social distancing by trying to avoid large groups and to not spend a lot of time around people who you haven’t already been sheltering in place with.

How is Mount Sinai preparing to return to normal operations?

Mount Sinai has been working very hard to make sure that we can safely return to more normal operations. Staff, as well as patients, are required to wear masks while on the premises, and we have made sure that patients can socially distance while in lobbies and waiting rooms.

Additionally, we actively screen both staff and patients for symptoms of the virus.

When patients receive their pre-appointment reminder, they are screened for symptoms  and—when they come in for the appointment—their temperature is measured and they are again screened for active symptoms. When appropriate, before high-risk procedures, we will test our patients for COVID-19.

Mount Sinai is also thoroughly cleaning high-touch surfaces like door knobs and elevator buttons—both in the hospital and in the ambulatory clinics—and ensuring there is hand sanitizer easily available throughout our facilities. You will see the dispensers everywhere.

If your reason for coming is COVID-19, we will address that appropriately.

Mount Sinai is working hard to make sure that our patients can safely receive treatment. If you are sick and you need to go see your doctor or visit the emergency room, do not put your health on hold. We want all of our patients get the care that they need.

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