How to Stock Up and Eat Well While Social Distancing
As multiple states issue shelter in place and stay at home orders to combat COVID-19, people across America are required to stock up on food for extended periods of time. Families want to remain food secure while making sure their kids eat nutritious...
How the Loss of Smell and Taste Relates to COVID-19
Cough and fever—followed by potentially life threatening pneumonia—have been the most talked about symptoms of COVID-19. However, as we learn more about the illness, it appears that the initial symptoms can often be associated with the upper...
COVID-19: Coping and Resiliency Skills
As the outbreak of COVID-19 spreads throughout the greater New York area, people are adjusting to radical changes in their daily life. Businesses are closed, people are working from home—if they are able to work at all—and kids are trying to learn at home. It’s a...
Is There a Connection Between COVID-19 and IBD?
COVID-19 is a concern for everyone. But people with inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) may be at increased risk of contracting this virus--or developing a bad case of it. This mostly has to do with medications they may be taking. Ryan Ungaro, MD, Assistant...
What Older Adults and Their Families Need to Know About COVID-19
A leader in geriatric medicine, R. Sean Morrison, MD, the Ellen and Howard C. Katz Chair of the Brookdale Department of Geriatrics and Palliative Medicine at the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, shares information that older people and...
How Should Pregnant People Protect Themselves From COVID-19?
The rapidly changing health advisories surrounding COVID-19, the novel coronavirus causing a pandemic, can be confusing. While the elderly and those with severe respiratory illness have been highlighted as high risk populations, the question remains as to...
What You Need to Know About Social Distancing and COVID-19
In the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic, people around the world have been asked—and at times directed by government officials—to practice social distancing. This public health term calls for avoidance of mass gatherings and maintaining a distance of six...
What Do Patients with Respiratory Illness Need to Know About COVID-19?
COVID-19 is a concern for everyone. But patients with respiratory illnesses are among those at highest risk of contracting this virus—or developing a bad case of it. Louis R. DePalo, MD, Clinical Director of the Mount Sinai-National Jewish...
How Front-Line Health Care Providers Can Keep Their Families Safe
As COVID-19 continues to have a dramatic impact around the globe, and front-line doctors, nurses, and health care staff are managing a growing number of cases, there is understandable anxiety.Waleed Javaid, MD, Associate Professor of Medicine (Infectious...