Voices From the Class of 2024 at Icahn Mount Sinai’s Commencement

Dennis S. Charney, MD, Anne and Joel Ehrenkranz Dean of Icahn Mount Sinai, addressing the school at the 55th Commencement ceremony.

Cloudy skies could not dampen the excitement of the class of 2024 of the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, who had gathered at the David Geffen Hall at Lincoln Center for their Commencement on Friday, May 10. It was, after all, a milestone of their medical school journey—one that began right as the COVID-19 pandemic took off in New York City.

“You arrived here nearly four years ago, when New York City was under siege,” said Dennis S. Charney, MD, Anne and Joel Ehrenkranz Dean of Icahn Mount Sinai. It was a class that experienced major disruptions to coursework, but also one that witnessed how physicians can be challenged to care for patients and deal with viral outbreaks. “At Mount Sinai, you will forever be known as the ‘pandemic class,’” Dr. Charney said, to much laughter.

At the 55th Commencement of Icahn Mount Sinai, degrees were granted to 191 recipients: 115 MDs, 57 PhDs, and 19 dual degrees—eight MD/PhD, two MD/MPH, and nine MD/MSCR. (Master’s degrees will be conferred at a separate ceremony in June.)

The journey of the class of 2024 was a challenging one: starting medical school completely remotely, learning anatomy through what felt like a video game, and getting to know classmates through a computer screen, recalled Candida Damian, MD, who gave one of the student Commencement speeches. These challenges were made harder by isolation as lockdowns happened during COVID-19 outbreaks. However, she quipped, “Like Mount Sinai says, ‘We Find a Way.’”

Jumping into the future is daunting, but that’s because the graduating class stands at the frontiers of science and medicine, noted Sally Claridge, PhD, who gave the other student Commencement speech. “You cannot look in the back for the answer key; you’re writing the textbook,” she said. “Now that we have made it here, to this auditorium, to this moment, it is still inspiring and overwhelming because across all of us graduating today, we have now already written ‘the textbook’ many times over and then some.”

In this year’s recap, hear from various students about their time at Icahn Mount Sinai and the memories they’ll treasure as they embark on the next steps in their medical and research careers.

Ava Adler, MD

Next step: General surgery residency at Mount Sinai

During one of our Objective Structured Clinical Examination sessions where we practice being a doctor, my first time going in I was very nervous. I tried to sit on the stool and it completely came out from under me and I fell on the floor. I was so embarrassed and so upset about it, and all my friends were there and said, ‘It’s OK.’ They told me to brush it off and said it will get better. It was a very funny but also very memorable moment for me. I’m definitely not the same person as I was when I first started. Being around patients and seeing how it’s a privilege to be there for them, knowing the difference you can make by giving them a smile, giving them an ounce of happiness during a hard time, it is so incredible that it makes every single day worth it.

Michael Fernando, PhD

Next step: Postdoctoral fellow at Rockefeller University, New York City

It is a rainy day, but we’re all here celebrating big splashes that we’ve done at the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai. I’ll always cherish all of the hard work that we’ve collectively done to advance science and medicine, and the hours that we’ve spent in the lab pursuing development of ourselves both personally and professionally. I’d like to thank my advisors, Kristen Brennand, PhD, and Paul Slesinger, PhD. I owe all of my success in the lab and outside the lab to them, and the cultures that they’ve fostered within their scientific environments.

Arman Azad, MD

Next step: Emergency medicine residency at University of California, Los Angeles

I can’t believe it: I’m going to be a doctor! It’s been four crazy years—crazy fun years. I’ve met the best people, and I think I’m ready. Mount Sinai just has the best medical students in the world. They’re all so smart, but they’re also just the kindest, warmest people. And our staff, our faculty, our professors, everyone has been just rooting for us for so long. I’m going to miss them so much. I’ve learned that it’s important to focus on your studies and your work, but also on yourself and the relationships with the people around you. That’s one thing we had the space to do and I’m really thankful for it.

Ning Ma, PhD

Next step: Postdoctoral fellow at Mount Sinai

Something I’ve learned is to never give up. If you never give up, you will achieve something. It’s what kept me successful in getting this degree. At the beginning, it was challenging to figure out the project—what’s the hypothesis of your research, literature review, and back-and-forth with your mentors. But the key is to always have a passion for what you want to pursue.

Candida Damian, MD

Next step: Triple board residency at Brown University, Providence, Rhode Island

I’m incredibly grateful and excited for the future. It’s been a long journey, and I can’t wait to get to work! In the beginning, I faced challenges and often doubted whether I was good enough to become a doctor. I overcame these feelings by being vulnerable and seeking out support. My family, my mentors at Mount Sinai, and most definitely my classmates all helped me along the way.

Amara Plaza-Jennings, MD/PhD

Next step: Neurology residency at Mass General Brigham, Boston

I’m feeling very grateful and excited for everything that I’ve accomplished over the past eight years at Mount Sinai. I learned that I’m capable of more than I’ve thought I was. If there’s something I don’t know, I have the ability to figure it out and to teach myself new skills.

Nicola Feldman, MD

Next step: Pediatrics residency at Boston Children’s Hospital

I’m in awe that this moment has actually come, and that these next steps are actually happening. It’s amazing to look in the audience and see so many family and loved ones of my classmates, and that they are all celebrating us. About a year ago, my uncle unexpectedly passed away. It would be really amazing for him to be here today—he’s a lot of fun—and we’d be having even more fun with him here. That’s something I’m missing today, even though overall it’s a really happy day.

Megan Schwarz, PhD

Next step: Postdoctoral fellow at Mount Sinai, then joining the biomedical research industry

During the pandemic, I was stuck at home, and I couldn’t be in the lab except to check on some mice. My PhD advisor, Ernesto Guccione, PhD, called me up. We’re a cancer lab, and he asked if I wanted to do this unrelated COVID-19 project. He said it will probably be done by summer of 2020. Fast forward to June 2022, we’re publishing a paper, involving many clinicians, patients, institutes—many continents involved—and that all started with this phone call because we were bored. It taught me that I’m capable of adapting and collaborating.

Benjamin Oseroff, MD

Next step: Neurology residency at Mount Sinai

A highlight of my time at Icahn Mount Sinai was having my daughter born 10 days before orientation. Carrying her across the stage at graduation feels like such an achievement; I feel so fortunate. I’d like to thank my wife—she’s done so much for me and our family.

Ethan Veit, PhD

Next step: Looking for job opportunities

I’m so thankful for my Principal Investigator, Matthew Evans, PhD; all of the graduate school administration; and Basil Hanss, PhD, Senior Associate Dean for Student Affairs and Career Development, who was one of the first people involved in recruiting me to Mount Sinai. One of my biggest achievements was being able to participate in the numerous Virus-Host Symposiums and also win the best presentation award at that symposium.

Rishab Revankar, MD

Next step: Intern year at University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, dermatology residency at University of Virginia

One of my best memories at Mount Sinai was being able to have our White Coat Ceremony. Usually, it is held in the first week of medical school, but we had it between our second and third year because of COVID-19. That was one of the first times we were all together in person, and it was an amazing moment to relish our resilience and togetherness. I came to Mount Sinai to pursue an MD degree, looking to be a doctor, but I feel like I got so much more than that. I got an understanding of what it means to be a physician-leader. I want to make Mount Sinai proud by being a good doctor, but also be a good leader in my community and in society.

Navigate with the arrows to learn more about the Class of 2024 and their time in medical and graduate school.

Brandon Linaksita, DDS, Receives Award From the American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry

Brandon Linaksita, DDS

Brandon Linaksita, DDS, Chief Resident of Mount Sinai’s Pediatric Dentistry Program, has been selected for the “Resident Recognition Award” by the American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry (AAPD).

This prestigious award is given to pediatric dental residents across the United States who have demonstrated innovative activities in their training programs.

Dr. Linaksita is one of four residents to be honored. He will receive the award in May at the AAPD General Assembly.

Dr. Linaksita was nominated for the Resident Recognition Award for his commitment to pediatric dentistry, research, and patient care, and for being an advocate for patients with craniofacial differences. He worked with the Mount Sinai Multidisciplinary Cleft and Craniofacial Team, serving as an educational liaison between his co-residents, the team, and parents of patients with cleft lip/palate or craniofacial diagnoses.

Dr. Linaksita has been a pediatric dental resident at The Mount Sinai Hospital since July 2022, serving as the Chief Pediatric Dental Resident beginning in July 2023. He is also working on his MPH degree at Brown University. He was selected to complete the only fellowship in craniofacial pediatric dentistry in Canada at The Hospital for Sick Children, which begins in the fall.

From 2021 to 2022, he was in the General Practice Residency program at The Hospital for Sick Children in Toronto. He earned his DDS degree at Schulich School of Medicine & Dentistry in London, Ontario, in 2021.

How the Intersection of Biology and Technology Inspired Angie Ramirez to Study Biomedical Data Science at Mount Sinai

Angie V Ramirez Jimenez

Angie V Ramirez Jimenez is a second-year student in the Master of Science in Biomedical Data Science program. In this Q&A, she discusses why she chose the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai.

Why did you decide to study at Icahn Mount Sinai?

After completing my undergraduate degree, I came to Mount Sinai to work as a research associate in the lab of Michelle E. Ehrlich, MD, and Samuel Gandy, MD, PhD, in the Neurology Department. There I had the opportunity to work on various projects that investigate the mechanisms of neurodegenerative disorders including Alzheimer’s disease, dystonia, and Huntington’s disease, and learn about all the research opportunities that were available at Mount Sinai. The chance to learn from professors at the forefront of biomedical research made it the ideal place for me to expand my knowledge and skills.

What attracted you to study Biomedical Data Science? What about it inspires you?

My journey into Biomedical Data Science stemmed from a fascination with the intersection of biology and technology. The realization of the potential of programming to revolutionize scientific research sparked my interest in this field. I was inspired by the ability of data science to unlock insights from various biological datasets, leading to a deeper understanding of complex biological systems. The prospect of using data to drive advancements in precision medicine and ultimately improve patient outcomes motivated me to pursue a career in Biomedical Data Science.

What were some of your achievements as a master’s student?

During my time as a master’s student, I trained and worked in the Bioinformatics for Next Generation Sequencing (BiNGS) core at The Tish Cancer Institute at Mount Sinai. At the core, I was able to contribute to various projects, in addition to my own capstone project, which included assessing the effectiveness of a novel keratinocyte differentiation protocol on induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) and embryonic stem cells (ESCs), as well as investigating the impact of different extracellular matrix (ECM) environments on cancer cell dormancy. For my capstone project, I analyzed RNA-seq, ATAC-seq, and CUT&RUN data to dissect the epigenetic and transcriptional landscapes of hepatocellular carcinoma models.

What activities outside the classroom have contributed to your success?

I believe that my involvement in research projects outside the classroom have been pivotal to my success. As an undergrad, I went on a research trip to Costa Rica to investigate the resilience of microbial communities in Costa Rica’s rainforests post-hurricane. This was the first time I was part of real-world scientific research, and thanks to that, I saw a side of research I had not seen in the classroom—large-scale data analysis and how powerful it can be in understanding complex biological interactions.

This experience helped me realize this was something I wanted to pursue and once I started working in the Ehrlich/Gandy lab I was able to pursue my interest in bioinformatics and work alongside great postdocs who mentored me on how to do various types of analysis.

I’ve also worked at Liberty Science Center in Jersey City, New Jersey, where I taught kids how to do different lab experiences. I think working with the kids really taught me how not to make assumptions about how much people may know about a topic, which really helps me when trying to teach others. I also learned that everyone has the power to make an impact on others even when we may not realize it.

I think that just being open minded and not closing yourself off to opportunities, even when they seem very daunting or even insignificant, when they come is really what helps you learn and grow. Sometimes opportunities arise from the most unexpected places, but you will never find them if you don’t put yourself out there.

What are your plans after you have completed your degree?

I plan to continue my journey in the field of Biomedical Data Science. My goal is to help make a positive impact in the biomedical field, potentially preventing others from experiencing the loss of loved ones to diseases like cancer. In the distant future, I also hope to open a bike shop that can also serve as a sort of community center where people can connect with others and learn about bikes.

Student Sooyun Caroline Tavolacci, MD, MSCR, Shares How Mount Sinai Inspired Her to Study Thoracic Oncology and Enhanced Her Career in Medicine

Sooyun Caroline Tavolacci, MD, MSCR

Sooyun Caroline Tavolacci, MD, MSCR, is a first-year student in the PhD in Clinical Research Program at the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai. As a graduate of the Master of Science in Clinical Research program, she reflects on her experiences and achievements, and discusses why she chose Mount Sinai for her PhD education.

What brought you to Icahn Mount Sinai as a master’s student?

Five months after arriving in the U.S. following my graduation from medical school in South Korea, I began searching for a master’s program. While I had gained experience in basic science research throughout my medical education, I lacked exposure to translational and clinical research. I sought a program that would bridge the gap between scientific research and clinical practice. Mount Sinai’s Graduate School seemed ideal for gaining insight into both realms and stood out for its distinguished physicians and scientists.

What were some of your achievements as a master’s student?

Nearly every course I undertook was an eye-opening experience. I was able to directly apply the research methodology and statistics I learned in class to real-world projects. Engaging in discussions with colleagues from diverse backgrounds provided invaluable insights into different aspects of the U.S. health system.

I joined the lab of Fred Hirsh, MD, PhD, at the Center for Thoracic Oncology at the Mount Sinai Tisch Cancer Institute and gained translational science experience while working on a National Institutes of Health-funded COVID-19 study in patients with lung cancer. I interacted with patients daily, observed clinic encounters, and gained more than just research experience under the guidance of Jorge Gomez, MD, and Nicholas Rohs, MD. In the lab, while working alongside two postdoctoral fellows, translational scientist Philip Mack, PhD, virologists, immunologists, pathologists, and statisticians, and simultaneously utilizing cutting-edge techniques to analyze serological responses, I gained invaluable experience in basic science research and statistical analysis. In my second year, I also explored the efficacy of treatment in lung cancer patients with Dr. Hirsch and Rajwanth Veluswamy, MD, MSCR, who is also a graduate of my master’s program. I participated in two studies: one evaluating the difference in the efficacy of immune treatment between sexes in lung cancer patients, and another investigating radiation pneumonitis among locally advanced lung cancer patients who received chemoradiation. I presented three abstracts as a first author at national and local conferences and published two articles under my mentors’ guidance.

Beyond my education and thesis project, I had the privilege of meeting several cardiothoracic surgeons and collaborating on research with them. I engaged in student activities and worked together with graduate and medical students on various projects. The Mount Sinai community is diverse and extensive, and I am grateful to have met such outstanding mentors and colleagues who will undoubtedly remain assets even after I graduate from the program.

What attracted you to this area of study?

Throughout my pre-medicine education, I had an exceptional professor, Ho-Yeon Song, MD, PhD, at the Department of Microbiology and Immunology, College of Medicine, Soon Chun Hyang University, who sparked my interest in immunology. During my medical education, this interest further developed, particularly in transplantation medicine. At the time of my graduation from medical school, I was considering general surgery or cardiothoracic surgery for my specialty. I was drawn to thoracic oncology due to my longstanding interest in immunology and cardiothoracic surgery.

Why continue your education with a PhD in Clinical Research?

The two years of training in the master’s program were intense and filled with invaluable experiences. While I felt close to achieving my goal of becoming an independent physician-scientist, I recognized the need for more practice and experience. By the end of my master’s program, my mentors provided me with opportunities to continuously work on their projects. I also refined my interest in health outcomes research and wanted to pursue advanced statistical courses that would be highly beneficial for analyzing large health care data in comparative effectiveness studies. I felt like once I started my graduate medical training, I might not have dedicated time for research unless I had continuous mentorship and my own projects.

I appreciated the flexibility of my master’s program, which allowed students to gain real-world experience and tailor their education. Therefore, I was determined to continue my education in the same program, even if it meant self-funding. With the experience I gained at the Mount Sinai Tisch Cancer Institute, I was offered a promising position. However, just over six months into my new role, I faced the decision of whether to continue both work and pursue a second doctoral education.

Thanks to Mark Hurwitz, MD, Department Chair/Director of Radiation Medicine at New York Medical College and Westchester Medical Center, who supported my decision to pursue a PhD while maintaining my work duties and readily agreed to be my mentor, I am balancing both work and education. Recently, I applied for a grant to initiate my outcome research project under his guidance before entering the dissertation phase. Having mentors at Mount Sinai and in the field of medicine through the PhD program has been a great source of support as I navigate my career.

What are your plans after you complete your PhD?

After completing my second year in the PhD program and transitioning into the dissertation phase, I intend to apply for graduate medical education in surgery or cardiothoracic surgery. While pursuing training in my desired field, I aim to concurrently work on my dissertation project. My ultimate goal is to become a surgeon-scientist.

Alumni Kiran Nagdeo, BDS, MPH, Shares How Mount Sinai Enabled Her to Integrate Her Oral Health Experience Into a Public Health Career

Kiran Nagdeo, BDS, MPH

Kiran Nagdeo earned her BDS degree at D.Y. Patil University School of Dentistry in India and has eight years of clinical experience. She recently graduated from the Master of Public Health program, specializing in Global Health (Epidemiology and Biostatistics) from the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai.

Why did you decide to study at Icahn Mount Sinai?

The main reason I chose Mount Sinai is because it’s one of largest academic medical systems in the New York metro area. That gives you hope that it will open multiple opportunities, which it did. Another big reason was that the location really mattered to me. Mount Sinai is located very close to Central Park, and close to the subway, which made commuting easier.

What attracted you to study Public Health? What about it inspires you?

I was a completely clinically oriented dentist, practicing in India, and I was happy—until COVID-19 hit. It was during the pandemic that I realized the importance of broader level or upscale interventions. I had been working on an individual level—patient-doctor one to one relationship—but if I was equipped back then, I could have helped and contributed on a bigger scale to support many more people. Around this time, I decided to pursue public health.

My love and passion for dentistry and oral health is strong, and I have embraced avenues for my continued interest in this area. I have learned that there isn’t a heavy focus on oral health in the public health sector. There are very few select professionals, who usually tend to have a dental background, who have contributed to dental public health.

My goal going forward is the integration of oral health in public health and to advance maternal and child health. Women are key change agents, and children are the future we are bringing this change about for.

What were some of your achievements as a master’s student?

During my time in the Graduate Program in Public Health, I am proud to have accomplished so much. This includes: Two full text publications with multiple under review and work in progress publications; attending four conferences with about ten presentations; participating in the global health summer research program, which included visiting Rikers Island for shadowing the dental team and the medical complex care services team; participating in a Community-based Participatory Research Program in Queens; honored with winning four awards; and being inducted into the Delta Omega honorary society.

What activities outside the classroom have contributed to your success?

I’ve been the most active with the World Federation of Public Health Associations (WFPHA), and I owe all my success to Hyewon Lee, DMD, MPH, DrPH, the Chair of the Oral Health Workgroup (OHWG). She has elevated me and invested in my growth on a professional as well a personal level. I would not have been as successful or learned as much without her mentorship. I am currently the Vice Chair of the workgroup, directly under Dr. Lee’s leadership. I had my first ever publication with her, and first ever presentation at the largest public health conference, the American Public Health Association.

I’ve also participated in many research activities. I worked as a research assistant in Mount Sinai’s Department of Environmental Medicine and Public Health, which helped in my professional growth and development. I learned the basics of research thanks to my professor Maayan Yitshak-Sade, PhD, and Vishal Midya, PhD. They laid the foundation for my understanding in research.

I’ve been involved in several student organizations within Icahn Mount Sinai. This kind of exposure led me to gain more perspective as a graduate student in a medical school. I’ve held two positions in the student council in my time at Icahn Mount Sinai, most recently being the second year class representative for MPH. Along with that I’ve led five other organizations, while participating in many more. Even as a student, my strongest skill has been collaborations; I’ve collaborated with postdocs, medical students, MD/PhD students, different groups that I’m leading, and other student body structures, while leading the planning of multiple events. I’ve noticed how collaborations help us all bring our resources and friends together to have a much bigger event that is mutually beneficial.

I’ve also written for The Scoop, which is the MPH newsletter, on racism in public health. And written in the Helen journal about my unforgettable experience at the AADMD One Voice conference.I completed a student leadership in global oral health course with the Alliance for Oral Health Across Borders (AOHAB). That led to working closely with the president of AOHAB, Deborah Weisfuse, DMD, MSc, and I now hold a leadership position of Program Director in the organization.

I’m currently a part of the American Institute of Dental Public Health (AIDPH) Dental Public Health Leadership Academy (DHPLA) as a student leader. I also hold leadership positions at APHA, as External Relations Co-Chair in the APHA Student Assembly, Student Fellow in the Maternal and Child Health Sections, and a member of the Scientific Planning Committee in the Oral Health Section. I’ve also had the opportunity to be a teaching assistant for Maya Korin, PhD, MS, and Laura MacIsaac, MD, MPH, for MPH students, and for Georgina Osorio, MD, MPH, and Gallane Abraham, MD, for Clinical Research Students.

What are your plans now that you have completed your degree?

I will be continuing my work as a research assistant in the Microbial Exposomics lab under the leadership of Dr. Midya and Shoshannah Eggers, PhD, in the Department of Environmental Medicine and Climate Science at Icahn Mount Sinai, in collaboration with the Department of Epidemiology at the University of Iowa. I will be continuing my commitments at WFPHA, APHA, and AOHAB. I have been accepted and will be pursuing my PhD of Public Health in Epidemiology at New York University School of Global Public Health.

Match Day 2024: Entering Specialties With Great Need

Fourth-year MD Icahn School of Medicine students receiving their placements on Match Day, Friday, March 15, from left to right: Amina Avril, Claire Ufongene, Candida Damian, Yhan Colón Ibán, and Charlotte Pierce.

Match Day represents a milestone for fourth-year medical students across the country—it’s when they receive their placements for the residency programs they’ve applied to. On Friday, March 15, the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai’s Class of 2024 congregated at the Guggenheim Pavilion for Match Day, and 133 students matched to 26 different specialties across the nation.

Michael Leitman, MD, Professor of Surgery, and Medical Education, at Icahn Mount Sinai, and Dean for Graduate Medical Education, observes Match Day closely because it reflects the physician pipeline. In several critical areas, he says, most notably the primary care specialties (internal medicine, general pediatrics, family medicine, and geriatrics) and psychiatry, the supply of new doctors entering these specialties is barely sufficient to meet demand.

“These are areas where we are seeing low match rates among students, and we suspect that students are gravitating towards careers in more lucrative specialties in part because they’re concerned about debt,” says Dr. Leitman.

According to the National Resident Matching Program, the organization conducting the Main Residency Match, for the Class of 2024 MD seniors, 87.8 percent of family medicine residency positions were filled, compared to most other programs, which were filled 100 percent—or close to. Pediatrics and psychiatry programs had unfilled positions in this year’s match too.

A 2021 report from the Association of American Medical Colleges (AAMC) forecasts a primary care physician shortage of 18,000 to 48,000 in 2034. The big problem this shortage creates is that primary care is where important screenings are done, such as hypertension.

Positions filled in specialties with high need: 2024 vs 2023

Specialty 2024 2023
Family Medicine 87.8% 88.7%
Pediatrics 91.8% 97.1%
Psychiatry 99.5% 99.0%

“In the areas that we serve at The Mount Sinai Hospital, which includes East Harlem, we have to think about the loss of family medicine doctors who will not be available to care for this population, which will only further reinforce the health care disparities we are working so hard to correct,” says Dr. Leitman.

“Although historically, students from Icahn Mount Sinai have matched to primary care fields at lower rates than other specialties, this year’s Match represented the highest number of students matching into primary care specialties,” says Tara K Cunningham, EdD, MS, Senior Associate Dean for Student Affairs and Associate Professor of Medical Education, who leads the team responsible for career and residency advising at Icahn Mount Sinai. Last year, Dr. Cunningham says, two students entered pediatrics. “This year, a record-breaking 11 students are going into pediatrics.”

Icahn Mount Sinai’s Class of 2024 has more students placing into primary care and neurology than any other graduating class in school history. The most popular specialties for the class are internal medicine (28), pediatrics (11), anesthesiology (10), obstetrics (8), gynecology (8), neurology (7), ophthalmology (7), and psychiatry (7).

Two MD seniors entering residency programs in specialties with high need share their thoughts on their matches and what they hope to achieve in their respective fields.

Stephanie Ureña, Family Medicine program at NewYork-Presbyterian/Columbia University Irving Medical Center

What are your thoughts on your match, and tell me about the programs you applied for?

I am very happy with my result because this was my top choice. I wanted to stay in New York City and work with an underserved, majority-Hispanic population. I mostly applied to programs in New York City and Philadelphia because these are both places where I had a community. I was born and raised in the Bronx and this is where most of my immediate family is. I went to school at the University of Pennsylvania so I also had some friends there and some family that had also moved there.

What do you know about the challenges of the specialty you’re entering, and how do you think you might be able to overcome them?

I am going into family medicine and given the current medical system, there is never enough time for visits. Additionally, patients’ health is connected to social determinants of health and there are often not enough resources to keep patients healthy.

I plan on learning to prioritize pressing health issues for quick visits given the time crunch. I also plan on immersing myself into the community that I practice in so that I can learn about community resources that address some of their social determinants of health.

What inspired you to go into medicine in the first place?

I had a really awesome pediatrician growing up who was my constant cheerleader. I remember looking forward to his visits because he just wanted to catch up on life and would always teach me ways to stay healthy. Then as I grew up, I realized how much I liked science and was fascinated by the human body so I decided to continue to pursue a path in medicine.

What impact do you hope to achieve in your specialty?

For family medicine, I hope to continue to provide patient-centered health care and expand on my knowledge of community resources. I would ideally like to have a system in which I refer my patients to community resources that address their social determinants of health. I would also like to create more pipeline programs that bring students from the local community into medical schools that are in their community. I envision myself joining a community board and advocating for the community needs.

Candida Damian, Pediatrics/Psychiatry/Child Psychiatry Triple Board program at Brown University/Rhode Island Hospital

What are your thoughts on your match, and tell me about the programs you applied for?

I am very excited. There are only 11 Triple Board programs in the country, so I am super grateful to have matched. Since there are limited triple board positions, I applied for categorical psychiatry positions as well. I wanted to match into a Triple Board program because I am deeply passionate about the intersection of pediatrics and psychiatry, and am drawn to the diversity of experiences and the unique skill set that Triple Board training offers.

What do you know about the challenges of the specialty you’re entering, and how do you think you might be able to overcome them?

Entering a Triple Board program presents the challenge of navigating multiple specialties and wearing different hats, requiring adaptability and flexibility. I plan to overcome this by really leaning into my training and always asking for help.

There is a huge need, especially, for child psychiatrists. Mental health in children is a public health crisis. Entering a field with a high, under-met need is both daunting and inspiring. It underscores the urgency and importance of my chosen path. I see it as an opportunity to make a meaningful impact on individuals and communities who are underserved and often marginalized. By entering these fields, I aim to contribute to closing the gap in access to quality health care and improving outcomes for those in need.

What inspired you to go into medicine in the first place?

It has been my childhood dream to become a doctor. However, due to many external factors, I had believed a profession in medicine was just too far out of my reach. The idea of attending college was daunting enough, not to speak of attending medical school. I was committed to providing compassionate care for patients, so I channeled my energy into going to nursing school.

I will never forget the day as a third-year nursing student that I met a 16-year-old patient who confided in me about the events that led up to her being admitted into the psychiatric hospital. She had dreams of going to college and becoming a marine biologist. However, the external hardships she faced made her doubtful that she could accomplish her goals. She told me, “You know more about me than the doctors here do. I feel like I can tell you anything.”

We could relate to each other, we had similar upbringings, and I learned that just my presence alone was able to give patients that feeling of safety they often lacked. I recognized that all of the reasons that led me to believe I could not become a physician were actually the reasons why I needed to become a physician.

That patient’s story and trust in me during my nursing rotation helped me believe, for the first time, that becoming a physician was attainable. My determination to make a difference outweighed the fear. That day, I Googled “How to get into medical school” and the rest was history.

What impact do you hope to achieve in your specialty?

In my specialty, I hope to provide compassionate and comprehensive care to vulnerable populations, especially children and families who have endured significant abuse and neglect. My aim is to intervene promptly and treat both their physical and mental health needs at each developmental milestone, while fostering trust, empowerment, and providing a safe environment for healing and growth. I am dedicated to raising awareness about the impact of trauma and I am on a mission to help break down the many barriers faced so that future generations have the opportunity to pursue their dreams despite external challenges.

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