PhD Students Get Lab Coats, Marking the Start of New Journeys in Research and Training

Dozens of members of the 2022 PhD and MD/PhD matriculating class of the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences were presented with lab coats in a celebratory event held Monday, September 19, amid the cheers and applause from the audience—which included faculty, mentors, and the students’ families and friends. Wearing their coats, the students would later take a vow, together, “to uphold the highest levels of integrity, professionalism, scholarship, and honor,” as they embarked on new scientific paths.

Marta Filizola, PhD

“We hold this ceremony to mark the start of our students’ journey in academic research and training,” said Marta Filizola, PhD, the Dean of the Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences and the Sharon & Frederick A. Klingenstein-Nathan G. Kase, MD Professor. “The lab coats we present to them are a symbol of the professionalism and authority that trainees develop and foster during their time in our programs,” added Dr. Filizola, who is also Professor of Pharmacological Sciences, Neuroscience, and Artificial Intelligence and Human Health. Mount Sinai offers PhD degrees in biomedical sciences, neuroscience, and clinical research, and a dual MD/PhD medical scientist training program degree, in addition to nine master’s program degrees.

Eric J. Nestler, MD, PhD

Eric J. Nestler, MD, PhD, Dean for Academic Affairs at Icahn Mount Sinai, and Chief Scientific Officer for the Mount Sinai Health System told the students: “Getting a PhD is hard work. There is no way around that. It’s hard work because PhDs—unlike all professional degrees, for example, an MD or law degree—require each of us to create a body of knowledge that is new to the world.” Still, he encouraged each not only to “work hard—but play hard,” adding, “Life must go on. No one should defer having a social life during their PhD studies.” Dr. Nestler is also Director of The Friedman Brain Institute and Nash Family Professor of Neuroscience.

A rousing keynote speech was presented by Xiaosi Gu, PhD, Associate Professor of Psychiatry, and Neuroscience, and Founding Director of the Center for Computational Psychiatry. Dr. Gu, a foremost researcher in the area of computational psychiatry, received her PhD degree in Neuroscience at Mount Sinai.

Dr. Gu shared her thoughts on curiosity, which she described as the one “secret Ingredient” capable of helping the students face the PhD journey, while making it enjoyable—and successful.

Xiaosi Gu, PhD

“Curiosity is the fundamental reason why you are still sitting here today instead of already working in a tech company, or Wall Street,” she began. “What should we be curious about? Be curious about science, be curious about people, and be curious about life.

“First, be curious about your work … you must love what you do,” she urged. “Be curious about people. A huge reason I feel pumped every morning going into the office is the people I work with. Face-to-face meetings, small talks in the hallway, grabbing lunch together, these are the daily doses of happiness that keep a day going.

“Finally, be curious about life. This, I believe, is the holy grail of curiosity … We, as scientists, have an obligation to stay curious about the real world and pursue work that can meet human needs … Staying curious about humanity and its issues might be the only way to unlock your intellectual potential and find your path.”

This was followed by a lively presentation of the lab coats, an effort sponsored by the Mount Sinai Alumni Association, and finally, the reading of the PhD Oath. “I will conduct my research and professional endeavors with honesty and objectivity,” they said in unison, while wearing their crisp white lab coats, and reciting a pledge to uphold a set of guiding principles as they launched their science training at Mount Sinai.

What makes this class special? This is who they are:

Why a Colonoscopy Is the Best Way to Detect and Prevent Colon Cancer

Colonoscopy is one of those important, routine medical procedures that most people would rather avoid. But experts say the test is a highly effective tool for both preventing colorectal cancer and diagnosing it at an early stage. Colonoscopy is also helpful in diagnosing and treating a variety of gastrointestinal (GI) disorders.

The American Cancer Society recommends that people with an average risk for colorectal cancer start regular screening for that cancer at age 45. There are several choices for colorectal cancer screening; colonoscopy is one of those options and has the advantage of being a one-step test, where precancerous polyps can be identified and removed if they are there at the same time.

For those in good health who have a colonoscopy—a procedure that enables a physician (usually a gastroenterologist) to directly image and examine the entire colon—it does not need to be repeated for ten years.

Those looking for an excuse to put off a colonoscopy might now point to a large study conducted in Europe and published in September 2022 in the New England Journal of Medicine (NEJM) that appeared to question the benefits of colonoscopies.

But many experts caution that the results of the NordICC study are being misinterpreted. They say colonoscopies remain “the gold standard” to detect and prevent colon cancer, and that this study should not cause you to change your behavior, no matter how much patients might wish otherwise.

“People should continue to rely on high-quality colonoscopy for polyp detection and removal, which will lead to prevention in most cases of colorectal cancer,” says David Greenwald, MD, Director of Clinical Gastroenterology and Endoscopy at The Mount Sinai Hospital.

David Greenwald, MD

In this Q&A, Dr. Greenwald, Immediate Past-President of the American College of Gastroenterology, and Co-Chair of New York’s Citywide Colorectal Cancer Control Coalition (C5), discusses the recent study and why the value of colonoscopies remains unchanged.

He adds, “The bottom line: This study, along with prior studies, shows that colonoscopy decreases your chances of getting and dying from colorectal cancer. Getting sick and dying from colorectal cancer—especially due to delayed screening—is real. Screening with colonoscopy saves lives.”

Why is a colonoscopy important?

Colonoscopy is effective in the diagnosis and/or evaluation of various GI disorders, such as colon polyps, colon cancer, diverticulosis, inflammatory bowel disease, bleeding, change in bowel habits, abdominal pain, obstruction and abnormal X-rays or CT scans. It is also used for therapy, such as the removal of polyps or control of bleeding. A colonoscopy is also used for screening for colon cancer. A key advantage of this technique is that it allows both identification of abnormal findings and also therapy or removal of these lesions during the same examination. This procedure is particularly helpful for identification and removal of precancerous polyps.

Does this recent study change how we view colonoscopies and how doctors in the United States will recommend colonoscopy screening?

No. The results of this study must be understood in context, and the accompanying editorial in the same issue of the NEJM spelled out significant details about the strengths and limitations of this study.  The bottom line is that colonoscopy is still the gold standard to detect and prevent colorectal cancer, especially for high-risk individuals. Most importantly, in the section of the study that analyzed people who actually had a colonoscopy, the risk of developing colorectal cancer decreased by 31 percent and the risk of dying from colorectal cancer decreased by 50 percent, which is huge.

What is one of the most significant issues with this study?

One drawback of the study is that participants were randomly invited to have a colonoscopy, and many people who should have gotten a colonoscopy chose not to. In fact, less than half (42 percent) of those invited to have a colonoscopy actually had one. This remains an issue in the United States as well. Screening for colorectal cancer remains an enormous public health goal. Colorectal cancer is the second leading cause of cancer death, but fully one-third of the eligible U.S. population remains unscreened.

Are there other issues with the study?

The benefits of colonoscopies take time to be realized. Colon polyps typically take many years (ten or more in most cases) to advance  from small polyps to large polyps to cancer, and so the benefits of taking out small polyps or even large precancerous polyps is not seen as leading to a reduction in colorectal cancer for many years, maybe even decades. Other studies that have looked at the effect of removing polyps have shown greater reductions in colorectal cancer incidence and mortality when they looked at outcomes over a longer period of time than was reported in the NordICC study. The NordICC study, short for Northern-European Initiative on Colon Cancer, included more 84,000 men and women ages 55 to 64 from Poland, Norway and Sweden, and covered a period of 10 years, which included a period before these countries began widespread screenings.

Should people still rely on their routine colonoscopy screenings to prevent colorectal cancer?

Yes. People should rely on high-quality colonoscopy for polyp detection and removal, which in most situations will lead to prevention of colorectal cancer.  The National Polyp Study demonstrated a substantial decrease in expected colon cancer incidence and mortality related to removing colorectal polyps, and was published in the NEJM years ago. High-quality colonoscopy is key.  Nearly 30 percent of the endoscopists who were included in the NordICC trial did not meet a key quality measure. The adenoma detection rate (ADR) measures the percentage of patients who have one or more precancerous polyps detected. The NordICC study did not meet the 25 percent rate that is recommended in the United States; the ADR average in the United States is rising and now approaches approximately 40 percent in many studies.

Marla C. Dubinsky, MD, Receives 2022 Sherman Prize Recognizing Excellence in Inflammatory Bowel Disease

Marla C. Dubinsky, MD

Marla C. Dubinsky, MD, an internationally recognized leader in pediatric inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), was one of three national recipients of the 2022 Sherman Prize.

The award, which recognizes individuals for pioneering achievements that have transformed patient care and rewards outstanding achievements in Crohn’s Disease and Ulcerative Colitis, was announced September 21 by the Bruce and Cynthia Sherman Charitable Foundation.

Dr. Dubinsky is Professor of Pediatrics and Medicine (Gastroenterology) at the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai. She is also Chief of the Division of Pediatric Gastroenterology at the Mount Sinai Kravis Children’s Hospital and Co-Director of the Susan and Leonard Feinstein Inflammatory Bowel Disease Clinical Center at Mount Sinai.

In its announcement, the Foundation cited Dr. Dubinsky as “one of IBD’s preeminent game changers” and said she has been “giving hope to children and their parents for decades.” The Foundation added, “Dr. Dubinsky works on being a guiding figure for those coming up the ranks, teaching her mentees to tailor care to a patient’s needs and reinforcing the importance of empowering patients to better manage their IBD so they can live the life they want.”

Her work has included defining therapeutic dosing levels of medicines to optimize treatment in children; identifying some of the most predictive biomarkers for disease progression; and bringing intestinal ultrasound to the bedside. In addition, she is the co-founder of Trellus Health, a publicly traded digital health company based in London and New York that has a goal of improving care for people with chronic conditions. The other co-founder is Laurie Keefer, PhD, Professor of Psychology and Director for Psychobehavioral Research within the Division of Gastroenterology.

“I am both humbled and honored to be one of the 2022 Sherman Prize recipients,” said Dr. Dubinsky. “It is truly an honor to be recognized for your life’s passion and this award inspires me to keep pushing forward and continuing to impact the lives of patients with IBD.”

Uma Mahadevan, MD, Professor of Medicine, Director of the Colitis and Crohn’s Disease Center, and Director of the Advanced IBD Fellowship at the University of California San Francisco in San Francisco was also awarded the Sherman Prize.  Both Sherman Prize honorees receive a prize of $100,000.

Parambir S. Dulai, MD, Associate Professor of Medicine in the Division of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, Director of GI Clinical Trials and Precision Medicine, and Director of the Digestive Health Foundation BioRepository at Northwestern University in Evanston, Illinois, received the Sherman Emerging Leader Prize Honoree, which includes a $25,000 prize.

Updated COVID-19 Vaccines: What Are They and Do I Need One?

Over the years of the COVID-19 pandemic, SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes the disease, has mutated many times. Each new version of the virus is called a variant or subvariant.  The same COVID-19 vaccines that were made available since December 2020 have done a remarkable job in preventing severe disease and death but have become less effective at preventing infections because of the mutations.

That is, until the late summer of 2022, when the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) green-lighted “bivalent” formulations—an updated version of the vaccines—to be used against the newer variants of SARS-CoV-2.

Bernard Camins, MD, MSc, Professor of Medicine (Infectious Diseases) at the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai and the Medical Director for Infection Prevention for the Mount Sinai Health System, explains what the bivalent vaccines do and the latest guidance on who should receive them and when.

New Guidance on COVID-19 Vaccines: In April 2023, the Food and Drug Administration and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention announced some major changes for COVID-19 vaccines. Click here to read more about what you need to know.

What does it mean that the vaccines are bivalent?

COVID-19 vaccines with bivalent formulations target the BA.5 subvariant of Omicron—one of the predominant circulating variants—as well as the original SARS-CoV-2 virus, says Dr. Camins. These include the vaccines from Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna.

An updated vaccine is needed because the virus has mutated several times and is so different from the original strain that the previous monovalent version of the vaccine —targeting only one variant—might not provide adequate protection from infection, he says.

With bivalent vaccines now authorized for use, the monovalent versions of the COVID-19 boosters are no longer authorized. The primary series are still recommended before the bivalent booster can be administered.

How effective and safe is the updated vaccine compared to previous ones?

“It’s pretty much the same as the old vaccine,” Dr. Camins says. The difference is that the genetic makeup of the updated vaccines has an addition to account for the spike protein of BA.5.

The updated vaccines’ side effects are similar to previous versions. The most commonly reported side effects of the bivalent vaccines include pain, redness, and swelling at the injection site, fatigue, headache, muscle pain, joint pain, chills, swelling of the lymph nodes in the same arm of the injection, nausea/vomiting, and fever, according to the FDA.

“You probably would not notice it being different from any of the previous vaccine doses or boosters you’ve received,” Dr. Camins says.

The updated Moderna and Pfizer-BioNTech vaccines have both been studied for effectiveness and safety. Although the studies examined a bivalent formulation involving the original strain and Omicron BA.1, the FDA granted the vaccines authorization based on the totality of evidence, which included clinical and nonclinical data that demonstrated commonalities between BA.1 and BA.4/BA.5.

This method of studying and approving updated COVID-19 vaccines is similar to how new flu vaccines based on circulating strains are handled, he adds: “It is very analogous to what we do with the flu vaccine.”

Who is eligible for the updated vaccine and who should get it?

The Moderna updated booster is authorized for individuals ages 6 and older, while the Pfizer-BioNTech updated booster is authorized for those who are 5 and older.

Where can I get the updated vaccine?

If you live in the New York metropolitan region, you can check the New York StateNew York CityNew Jersey, or Connecticut websites for locations that offer appointments or walk-in vaccination. Major pharmacy chains are another place to try. If you live elsewhere, Dr. Camins recommends using or reaching out to local health care providers and pharmacies.

When should I get the updated booster?

The updated vaccine is recommended to individuals two months after completing a primary series or a previous booster.

I got COVID-19 recently. Do I still need the updated booster?

“The updated booster is recommended even for those who have been infected with a previous variant or subvariant of SARS-CoV-2,” says Dr. Camins.

If you have been recently infected, it is reasonable to wait 90 days after symptom onset before receiving an updated booster, he says. However, the CDC has indicated it is also safe to seek an updated booster as soon as you are no longer contagious from a current infection.

Why do I need a booster when people still seem to get COVID-19 despite being vaccinated?

The updated vaccine booster was created to match the current circulating BA.5 subvariant better so it should protect patients from infection better than the previous version, although it’s not a 100 percent guarantee, Dr. Camins says. Receiving the booster could also lessen the chances of developing severe disease especially for patients who are at high risk for complications from COVID-19.

Will I need to keep taking updated boosters if there are new variants?

“We don’t know if future updated boosters are required,” Dr. Camins says. That determination could be based on the current circulating sub-variant, as well as the data from people who have received the updated booster for Omicron BA.5, he adds.

However, Dr. Camins notes that the White House’s COVID-19 Response Team is thinking of moving in the direction of rolling out annual, updated COVID-19 shots matched to current circulating strands. A single annual shot should provide a high degree of protection against serious illness all year, and could prevent thousands of deaths and hospitalizations annually, according to White House officials.

At African American Day Parade, Mount Sinai Shares a Message of Health and Equity

Mount Sinai staff, family, and friends marched in the African American Day Parade in Harlem, in a procession that included a festive float, messages of health equity and antiracism, and the Robert F. Smith Mobile Prostate Cancer Screening van.

The Mount Sinai Health System sponsored the 53rd Annual African American Day Parade on Sunday, September 18, with a festive group of close to 80 employees and their family and friends in attendance. Held in Harlem on the third Sunday in September, the event is the nation’s largest parade in celebration of African American culture, heritage, and unity.

The theme of this year’s parade was “Good Health Is Essential,” and two members of Mount Sinai’s leadership were among the Grand Marshals: Gary C. Butts, MD, Executive Vice President and Chief Diversity and Inclusion Officer for the Mount Sinai Health System, and Dean for Diversity Programs, Policy, and Community Affairs at the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, and Pamela Abner, MPA, Vice President and Chief Diversity Operations Officer for Mount Sinai Health System.

The Robert F. Smith Mobile Prostate Cancer Screening van followed the Mount Sinai float as it proceeded up Adam Clayton Powell Jr. Boulevard, from 111th to 136th Street, making certain that spectators were aware of this critical resource.

Mount Sinai participants in the parade later expressed what it meant to them: “As a participant in the BLACC employee resource group and staff member at Mount Sinai, I felt a call to action as an African American to give thanks to my community,” says Celeste Valentine, Facilities Coordinator for the Facilities Management/Engineering Department at The Mount Sinai Hospital. “Both my parents died of cancer. Their respective passing moved me into the field of health care, and I am also an advocate of preventive health, dealing with my own health issues. I try my best to make sure that those around me get regular checkups and live a healthier lifestyle.”

Jacobie Ricard, Senior Director of Planning Design and Construction at Mount Sinai Morningside, wanted to acknowledge his colleagues for their role in the success of the parade, including Leroy Francis, Administrative Director of Cardiovascular Services, Mount Sinai Queens, and Kimberley Ennis, DNP, APRN-BC, Senior Director of Nursing, Mount Sinai Queens.

“As we proceeded, you repeatedly heard the same thing from the crowd: ‘There goes Mount Sinai!’ I now know that the Health System touched the lives of this community. The people of Harlem wanted us there, and they let it be known, from 111th to 136th Street. I was lost for words, as I didn’t expect this type of reception from the crowd,” says Mr. Ricard, who also joined the procession as a representative of the Mount Sinai Health System’s GOALS initiative, which works to encourage and empower Black male employees through connections and networking. “My role is not patient-facing, so this was an amazing feeling. To my colleagues in the Health System, this is a testament to what you do.”

Ms. Valentine had a similar reaction: “During the parade and seeing the faces of all the people smiling and waving at our float, I felt my ancestors’ spirit, especially my parents, applauding and hearing their words, saying, ‘Job well done,’  and ‘Good health is essential.’”


Mount Sinai honorees 
Advisory Board Member Theresa Mack, MD, and Grand Marshals Pamela Abner; MPA, and Gary C. Butts, MD

Leaders of Four Mount Sinai Hospitals
From left: Cameron Hernandez, MD; Evan L. Flatow, MD; Scott Lorin, MD, MBA; and James Tsai, MD

Mount Sinai’s Anthony Smalls, MBA, right, and his DJ team provided a soundtrack

The Robert F. Smith Mobile Prostate Cancer Screening van

Mount Sinai Program Gives Underrepresented Students a Hands-On Lab Experience—and a Pathway to Graduate School

Hala Harony-Nicolas, PhD, Director of SURP4US, front row, left, at the poster session with SURP4US program administrators, committee members, and students.

Fifteen college students who participated in a 10-week research program may each have had different interests—for example, cardiology, immunology, microbiology, neuroscience, oncology, or psychiatry. But as a group, they had one fundamental, unifying distinction. They were rising college juniors and seniors from racial or ethnic backgrounds underrepresented in biomedical science, and, together, on the campus of the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences, they had an unparalleled opportunity to enhance their research skills and set a course for future careers.

The students performed basic research working alongside some of Mount Sinai’s top scientists, but they additionally learned skills beyond the lab—all part of a robust curriculum offered by the Summer Undergraduate Research Program for Underrepresented Scholars (SURP4US). The program, which was conducted from June 6 to August 12, culminated with a poster session, a public event where the students showcased their work.

“The goal of SURP4US is to train and mentor aspiring biomedical scientists or physician-scientists who are interested in obtaining hands-on research experience, enhancing their scientific knowledge and skills to ultimately strengthen their applications for PhD or MD/PhD programs,” says Hala Harony-Nicolas, PhD. “Students who join our program may have had very minimal prior research experience or may have already been equipped with an extensive research experience. We want to provide an environment in which each student can build upon their previous experiences to get one step closer to being ready for graduate school.”

Marta Filizola, PhD, Dean of the Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences, and the Sharon & Frederick A. Klingenstein /Nathan G. Kase, MD Professor of Pharmacological Sciences, Professor of Neuroscience, and Professor of Artificial Intelligence and Human Health, spoke to the students

Dr. Harony-Nicolas, who is Associate Professor of Psychiatry, and Neuroscience, and a member of the Seaver Autism Center for Research and Treatment, created and directed this year’s program and mentored one of the students.

“What is important and unique about our program is that the hands-on research training on campus is only one piece of the students’ rich summer experiences,” says Dr. Harony-Nicolas. “In parallel to this enriching training experience with our dedicated faculty, postdocs, and students, our students attended seminars about the latest techniques in biomedical research and visited our core facilities to learn about conventional and innovative technologies in biomedical sciences. They also had workshops on science communication and received training on how to put together graduate school applications and prepare for their interviews.”

Students also had the opportunity to meet deans, directors of graduate school programs, faculty members, postdocs, and students through several networking and social events to learn more about the biomedical research world in general and what it means to be a scientist, including how to balance a research career and life. Finally, being part of the program also provided the students with an opportunity for early admission to the Graduate School’s PhD and MD/PhD programs through the FlexGrad program, which is only offered to SURP4US participants.

“It is such a rewarding experience to see how excited and eager the students are to absorb the tremendous amount of knowledge they are offered within such a short time and to engage in scientific discussions and share their curiosity,” says Dr. Harony-Nicolas.

Read on to learn more about the scientific journeys, experiences, and goals of three SURP4US students.

Student Naomi Calhoun, right, in the lab with Emily Bernstein, PhD

Naomi Calhoun, Howard University, aspires to be a physician-scientist:

  • Her science journey: “As I explored different avenues in my academic journey, self-discovery in my identity was instrumental as I focused on research interests. When I realized how interconnected my identities were as a Black person and a woman, I knew I had to use my unique perspective to serve as a representative for others.

“Talking to my peers, I realized how much of a luxury it is to have Black women doctors for both pediatric and gynecological care. I like the comfort that comes with this equal identity of patient and doctor.

“This became pivotal as I shifted my research focus to the intersection of women’s health and biomedical engineering with the need to provide an equitable health care experience while understanding the challenges of the current health disparities among diverse groups of women.”

  • Where she worked: Lab of Emily Bernstein, PhD, Professor of Oncological Sciences, and Dermatology, where she was also mentored by Anisha Cooke, a PhD candidate in Biomedical Science.
  • What she worked on: Designing an inducible gene-editing system to investigate mutations in the ATRX gene commonly found in neuroblastoma cells in older children, and designing a protein-degrading system to degrade the mutated gene’s protein products.
  • What she accomplished: “Naomi entered the program with great enthusiasm and drive and quickly assimilated herself into our laboratory,” says Dr. Bernstein. “She became familiar with techniques ranging from DNA cloning to the culturing of tumor cells. Her project involved generating cells that have incorporated tightly regulated and inducible systems whereby we can toggle the expression or mutation of the ATRX gene, which is highly mutated in pediatric cancers, at the time point(s) of our choosing.”
  • What she learned: “I’ve learned resilience, that when lab experiments do not work out the way they are supposed to, I remind myself not to be discouraged. When things don’t go my way—in life or academically—I work to keep an optimistic mindset, and then I find a new way to approach the problem and keep pushing forward.”­– Naomi Calhoun

Student Kevin Medina, right, in the lab with Maria Curotto de Lafaille, PhD, and Weslley Fernandes Braga, PhD

Kevin Medina, SUNY Stonybrook, aspires to be a physician-scientist:

  • His science journey: “After I was born at The Mount Sinai Hospital, doctors discovered that I had an immune defect early on in life. Growing up in Harlem, I knew I was different from most kids because of my immunological condition.

“I recall profound confusion about my yearly clinical immunology visit with Dr. Cunningham-Rundles [Charlotte Cunningham-Rundles, MD, PhD, the David S. Gottesman Professor of Immunology, and Professor of Medicine, and Pediatrics]. However, the one thing that was always crystal clear was her infinite curiosity about my condition and her ability to allay my parents’ fears with her wisdom about the extensive research regarding my condition. Recently, after I had decided to pursue a career in medicine, Dr. Cunningham-Rundles offered me the opportunity to spend time in her lab. I realized how interconnected medicine and research were.

“Ultimately, my curiosity to answer interesting questions regarding immunological disease is all rooted in wanting to give back to the Harlem community that Mount Sinai serves. I have realized that if I am fortunate enough to achieve my goal of becoming a physician-scientist, I can advance the field of medicine by engaging in world-class research that can ultimately be translated into producing novel treatment modalities for communities like mine.”

  • Where he worked: Lab of Maria Curotto de Lafaille, PhD, Associate Professor of Pediatrics, and a member of the Elliot and Roslyn Jaffe Food Allergy Institute and the Precision Immunology Institute, where he was also mentored by postdoctoral fellow Weslley Fernandes Braga, PhD.
  • What he worked on: Identifying factors that regulate the production of immunoglobulin E (IgE) and immunoglobulin G4 (IgG4), important antibodies in human diseases such as food allergy and eosinophilic esophagitis.
  • What he accomplished: “The SURP4US program has given us the opportunity to meet a wonderful and extremely talented undergraduate student, Kevin Medina,” says Dr. Lafaille. “He came to our group with a solid background on immunology and B lymphocytes, the cells that make antibodies. His learning curve in the lab has been steep. He performed and analyzed experiments, discussed results, and presented them in a group meeting. And clearly, he is genuinely interested in the science behind it all, so we are so happy to see him motivated and inspired.”
  • What he learned: “I have come to appreciate how creative scientists can be. I realized how quickly scientists can produce new experiments and new ideas with little information given, and it is something I have come to appreciate.” – Kevin Medina

Click here to watch a report on NY1 to learn more about Kevin Medina’s experience

Student Chinonso (Chino) Nwakama left, in the lab with Brian Sweis, MD, PhD, and Jessica Ables, MD, PhD

Chinonso (Chino) Nwakama, University of Minnesota Twin Cities, aspires to be a physician-scientist

  • His Science Journey: “I was about 12 years old when my dad gave me Children’s Human Body Encyclopedia. When I stumbled on the “Nervous System” chapter I was taken by surprise. There were fascinating sections about the parts of the brain and the amazing capability of neurons. From that point on, I knew that learning more about the brain was in my future.

“My interest in substance use and addiction began in a high school club that I was involved in that focused on making our peers aware of the harmful effects of drugs and other substances.

“When I arrived on the University of Minnesota campus, I joined labs that introduced me to the world of drug-induced plasticity—specifically how sex differences can impact drug relapse and other related phenomena.

“My long-term goal is to pursue a career as a physician-scientist where I can use my knowledge of medicine at the individual level to guide research projects focused on gaining better understanding of how drug use affects the brain. I also want to inspire other future scientists who do not often see scientists who look like them.”

  • Where he worked: Lab of Jessica Ables, MD, PhD, Assistant Professor of Psychiatry, and Neuroscience, where he was also mentored by Brian Sweis, MD, PhD, Research Track Resident, Department of Psychiatry.
  • What he worked on: Investigating the effects of hyperglycemia on decision-making.
  • What he accomplished: “Chino worked diligently with us, studying how the ways in which the brain makes complex decisions is altered in metabolic disorders,” says Dr. Sweis. “He has been an exceptional student and has taken the lead on a project that has been a massive undertaking. He worked with a team of undergraduates, graduate students, postdocs, residents, and physicians, learning how to execute large-scale animal behavioral experiments, gaining critical skills in team and project management, and learning coding and data analysis techniques, all while being exposed to clinical patient populations in parallel with his ongoing efforts in basic and translational research.”
  • What he learned: “I’ve learned that there isn’t anything I can’t do. I’ve also learned how to problem solve and to not get flustered when things go wrong and not according to plan.”– Chino Nwakama

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