After Her New Daughter Spends Two Months in the ICU, Mom Thanks the Compassionate and Caring Team at Mount Sinai West
Allyson Bragg lives in Edison, New Jersey, a 45-minute drive from Mount Sinai West under the best of conditions. But after meeting Robin Brown, MD, an obstetrician and gynecologist at Mount Sinai West, she had no hesitation in driving to New York City so that Dr....
Athlete Finds a Team to Help Her Beat Multiple Sclerosis
In 2009, when Jessica March was 29 years old, she began experiencing tingling in her toes and blurry vision. She was an athlete, and thought she was training too much for a 100-mile bike ride. “You find all these excuses,” she said. “I remember waking up one morning,...
Saving Baby Nathaniel: As the Nation Went Into Lockdown Mount Sinai’s Liver Transplant Team Went Into Overdrive
On March 18, 2020, the anguished parents of 6-month-old Nathaniel Capelo sat in his hospital room at The Mount Sinai Hospital facing the grim reality that he would die within days if he did not receive a new liver. One week earlier, the COVID-19 pandemic had begun to...
Cancer Survivor, 86, Recovers from COVID-19 with Help from Mount Sinai’s Unique Hospitalization at Home Program
When Paul Levine, 86, began feeling sick, with chills, fever, and weakness, he feared his cancer might have returned, so he called his oncologist. After learning Mr. Levine had lost his sense of smell, a symptom of COVID-19, the doctor immediately sent him...
First-Time Mother Receives Life-Saving Aortic Surgery
A first-time mother received life-saving heart surgery at The Mount Sinai Hospital, thanks to her quick response to her symptoms and knowledge of her family’s health history, says a leader of her surgical team, Ismail El-Hamamsy, MD, PhD, Director of...
Mount Sinai Queens Nurses Share Memories With COVID-19 Patients’ Survivors
The nurses of Mount Sinai Queens are giving a precious gift to families of patients who succumbed to COVID-19 during the height of the pandemic—their memories of the patients’ last days. In one letter, carefully hand-written on lined paper, Amparo...
How I Recovered From COVID-19 at Home With the Help of a New App: A Patient Story
Should I go to the hospital or stay at home? This is one of the first questions that people who think they have COVID-19 wrestle with. Now, thanks to a remote monitoring platform from Mount Sinai Health System called Precision Recovery, patients can have...
Large-Vessel Stroke and COVID-19 in Young Patients: New Insights
Cerebrovascular stroke specialists at the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai have reported on five patients younger than 50 years of age who presented to the Mount Sinai Health System in New York City with large-vessel stroke and COVID-19,...
Medical Team Safely Delivers Baby in Critical Care Unit
At around 5 pm on Wednesday, January 8, Leslie Echeverria, 24, gave birth to a healthy baby girl at The Mount Sinai Hospital—the norm at Mount Sinai under ordinary circumstances, where physicians and medical staff perform thousands of uneventful deliveries every year....