Vani Gandhi, MD, and Kadidia Knight
Art Campbell and Patricia Menzie
Esther Maria Roman and Janice Fearon
Trish Campbell, RN, and Jocelyn Carasco-Alviar, RN
Theresa Sheehan and Larissa Leonardo, RN
Steven Miss and Julie Infante
Saman Setareh-Shenas, MD, and Elizabeth Kern, MD
Amy Bush and Yuderka Goris, RN
Carmen Sampson and Christine Gatling
Ugoeze Onyekelu-Eze, RN, and Kathleen Parisien Dory, RN

As the COVID-19 pandemic threatened to overwhelm hospitals in the spring of 2020, photographer Claudia Paul was inspired to tell the stories of health care workers battling the emerging virus. Her photo series, “Faces of Resilience,” portraits of front-line health care staff at Mount Sinai Morningside, was born, with 32 Mount Sinai Morningside employees volunteering to participate from departments across the hospital.

On Monday, June 27, the permanent exhibit was installed in the hospital lobby at Mount Sinai Morningside, which symbolizes the resilience of the Mount Sinai Morningside community while inspiring hope and courage as all hospitals continue to cope with multiple waves of the COVID-19 pandemic.

This carefully curated collection illustrates the teamwork it takes to fight the pandemic and the resilience required to carry on. Viewers are encouraged to take a moment to read the heartfelt words of Mount Sinai Morningside staff and pause to reflect on the work done by the hospital staff.

“Partnering with Claudia Paul on the exhibition has resulted in a transformed entrance to our hospital,” said Arthur Gianelli, FACHE, President of Mount Sinai Morningside and Chief Transformation Officer of Mount Sinai Health System. “It signals to staff, patients, and visitors that we embody all that is necessary to fight the pandemic. This inspiring installation reflects the staff of Mount Sinai Morningside’s commitment to excellence. The individuals featured represent the excellence, teamwork, compassion, and valor it takes for everyone to care for our patients and community.”

Jonathan Ripp, MD, MPH, Chief Wellness Officer at the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, added: “These faces represent all our physicians and staff who have worked throughout the COVID-19 pandemic. One of the intents of these displays is to demonstrate that we recognize the incredible value of our staff and are continually working to value and support all of them.”

Ms. Paul thanked everyone who participated in the project for their “vulnerability in sharing your memories, struggles, and hopes.”

“It was a pleasure to work alongside each and every one of you and share your stories with the world,” she said.

Each of the photographs contains a quote from the person that captures the feeling from that time in the pandemic.

“It was scary, but everyone went above and beyond the call of duty, to safely take care of our patients,” reads the quote from Janice Fearon, PACU Nursing.

Added Trish Campbell, Emergency Nursing: “In the mist of all the chaos I had a moment where I realized this was why I went into nursing.”

You can visit the “Faces of Resilience” installation in the Main Hospital Lobby at Mount Sinai Morningside, 419 W. 114 Street.

The “Faces of Resilience” photo exhibit at Mount Sinai Morningside

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