Updated on Jun 30, 2022 | Breast Cancer, Community, Patient Stories

Ami Rogé with her physician, Stephen C. Malamud, MD, Associate Professor of Medicine (Hematology and Medical Oncology).
About 200 cancer survivors, their families and friends, and Mount Sinai faculty and staff, recently attended the 20th annual luncheon celebrating National Cancer Survivors Day®. At the event, held on Sunday, June 11, in The Mount Sinai Hospital’s Annenberg West Lobby, attendees enjoyed a performance by Ami Rogé, a concert pianist and breast cancer survivor who was treated at Mount Sinai Downtown-Chelsea Center. Steven J. Burakoff, MD, Dean for Cancer Innovation, Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, discussed the state of cancer care. “Given our increasing success treating cancer, there are now more than 15.5 million cancer survivors in the United States,” he said. “We must focus more of our efforts on helping our patients cope as cancer survivors.”
Oct 14, 2016 | Breast Cancer, Cancer, Health Tips, Men's Health, Women's Health, Your Health
Kelly Hogan, MS, RD, CDN, is a registered dietitian who focuses on breast cancer nutrition for the Dubin Breast Center of The Tisch Cancer Institute. Ms. Hogan creates patient education and wellness programs and provides individual counseling in the areas of wellness, weight management, and symptom/side effect management.
According to the American Institute for Cancer Research, about one-third of all breast cancer cases are preventable with lifestyle changes. A report by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention found that breast cancer survivors outnumber all other cancer survivors in the United States. With early detection and treatment advances, this number continues to grow. This makes prevention of recurrence a top priority for millions of survivors. Although we cannot control every reason for a breast cancer diagnosis or recurrence, much of my work at the Dubin Breast Center focuses on what we can control through diet and lifestyle. (more…)
May 26, 2016 | Aspen Ideas 2016, Breast Cancer, Diet and Nutrition, Health Tips, Heart Disease
Kelly Hogan, MS, RD, CDN, is a registered dietitian who has worked within the Mount Sinai Hospital for the past three years, now focusing on breast cancer nutrition for the Dubin Breast Center. Kelly provides individual counseling in the areas of wellness, weight management and symptom/side effect management, in addition to creating patient education and wellness programs
Spring has finally sprung on the east coast, and the lure of outdoor dining has returned in full force. While I am a big advocate for cooking most meals at home – on average, restaurant meals or takeout contain more sodium, fat and sugar than home-cooked ones – enjoying a salad, sandwich or four course meal al fresco is one of life’s simple pleasures. The good news here is that it’s possible to dine out healthfully by making smart choices, without sacrificing fun or flavor. Review these key strategies before heading out into the sunshine this season (and don’t forget your sunglasses!). (more…)
Sep 18, 2015 | Breast Cancer, Cancer, Women's Health
By Sara Schub, who is 45 years old and currently living in New York City. She has a Master’s degree in Public Health from Columbia University and works in healthcare administration. She also counsels women at risk of HBOC and volunteers for various health-related charities.
In early 2011, at a routine appointment with Dr. Monica Prasad, she asked me how I was doing. I took that as an opportunity to tell her what was weighing heavily on my mind – my mother and my cousin were both recently diagnosed with cancer and undergoing chemotherapy. She immediately inquired about my family history of cancer and for the first time I realized how prevalent cancer was in my family. Dr. Prasad suggested I go for genetic testing because I might be at high risk of developing the disease, so I went to a genetic counselor at Mount Sinai. I told her what I knew about my family history, she drew my genetic family tree, enumerated the various genetic mutations that were possible, and recommended genetic testing. (more…)
Oct 22, 2014 | Breast Cancer, Cancer, Women's Health
Guest post by Tamara A. Fulop, MD, Director, Breast Imaging at Mount Sinai Beth Israel
Winning the battle against breast cancer is becoming a reality for women of all ages, thanks to diagnostic technology that can frequently detect breast cancer in its earliest stages. “Digital mammography acquires images electronically, resulting in better contrast, so we can often pick up smaller abnormalities before they become cancerous,” says Tamara A. Fulop, MD, Director of Breast Imaging at the Appel-Venet Comprehensive Breast Service at Mount Sinai Beth Israel. (more…)
Oct 6, 2014 | Breast Cancer, Cancer, Women's Health
Guest post featuring Michael P. Osborne, MD Director of Cancer Screening and Prevention Programs at the Comprehensive Breast Center at Mount Sinai Beth Israel.
When it comes to breast cancer, you can’t hide behind your age, your family history, or last year’s exam. According to Michael Osborne, MD, Breast Surgeon and Director of Breast Surgery Programs for Mount Sinai Beth Israel, there’s more to breast cancer than you may think. (more…)