Fox 5 TV: Holocaust survivor, 91, Beats Cancer

Ludwig Charatan, who survived the Holocaust, has now survived a cancerous tumor in his gallbladder, with the help of Daniel Labow, MD, chief of surgical oncology at The Mount Sinai Hospital, and Michael Marin, MD, chair of surgery at Mount Sinai Health System. Watch...

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Celebrating Life at Mount Sinai

Celebrating Life at Mount Sinai

Hundreds of children saved by heart surgery in state-of-the art procedures ranging from valve repairs to heart transplants returned to Kravis Children’s hospital at Mount Sinai to celebrate life at their annual Reunion Party.

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Mount Sinai Today
Watch the Video: Mount Sinai Heart Keeps Melinda’s Heart Pumping
Celebrating Life at Mount Sinai
Two New York City Families Embrace New Peanut Allergy Approach
Mount Sinai Physician Restores a Patient’s Voice

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