Morningside Clinic Moves to a Newly Renovated LocationThe Institute for Advanced Medicine has relocated the Spencer Cox Morningside Clinic to renovated space at 440 West 114th Street and renamed it the Morningside Clinic. The new site provides patients with a more convenient and comfortable setting that includes a spacious waiting room with a television, and a pediatric waiting area. The Morningside Clinic continues to provide patients with HIV/AIDS treatment and other services, including dental, integrative medicine, and behavioral health care. The attendees at a recent ribbon-cutting ceremony (see photo) included, from left: Vani P. Gandhi, MD, Interim Medical Director, Morningside Clinic, and Assistant Clinical Professor, Medicine (Infectious Diseases), Mount Sinai St. Luke’s; Michael P. Mullen, MD, Director, and Matt Baney, Senior Director, Institute for Advanced Medicine; and Judith A. Aberg, MD, Dr. George Baehr Professor of Clinical Medicine, and Division Chief, Infectious Diseases.

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Morningside Clinic Moves to a Newly Renovated Location

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