Medical student Yotam Arens learns more about the life of patient Juan Sanabria.

Medical student Yotam Arens learns more about the life of patient Juan Sanabria.

Medical students from the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai performed special patient rounds on Tuesday, February 16, as part of The Gold Humanism Honor Society’s (GHHS) annual “Solidarity Day for Compassionate Care.” This national program encourages hospital staff and medical school students to develop more caring, compassionate relationships with patients. Twenty students visited 12 patients in The Mount Sinai Hospital Palliative Care Unit and Kravis Children’s Hospital at Mount Sinai, practicing “Tell Me More” interactions. The students conversed with patients about topics unrelated to their diagnoses, developing compassionate communication skills they can use in future patient interactions. Created by GHHS chapter members at the Icahn School of Medicine in 2014, dozens of GHHS chapters nationwide use the “Tell Me More” program.

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Mount Sinai Today
Medical student Yotam Arens learns more about the life of patient Juan Sanabria.

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