Updated on Jun 30, 2022 | Diet and Nutrition, Health Tips
Guest post by Kelly Hogan, MS, RD, CDN, a registered dietitian who has worked within the Mount Sinai Hospital for the past three years, now focusing on breast cancer nutrition for the Dubin Breast Center. Kelly provides individual counseling in the areas of wellness, weight management and symptom/side effect management, in addition to creating patient education and wellness programs.
Tis the season for celebrations, and staying healthy during the holidays can often be tougher than finding the perfect gifts for loved ones. Dietitians are not immune to these challenges this time of year, but I always go into holiday parties with a game plan and encourage my patients to do the same. Follow these tips for navigating the buffet tables and cocktail parties like a (nutrition) pro. (more…)
Updated on Jun 30, 2022 | Diet and Nutrition, Health Tips
Guest post by Kelly Krikhely, MS, RD, CDN, Clinical Dietitian at The Mount Sinai Hospital.
The holidays are fast approaching – and with them comes the season of delectable foods. Here are some tips for tackling holiday eating challenges:
Pre-gaming: Heading to a holiday party or dinner on an empty stomach can leave you reaching for seconds (or thirds) before you even realize you’re overeating. Snack on your favorite fruit before you go (my favorite is apples) – the fiber will leave you feeling satisfied so that you’re less likely to overeat once you get to your destination. (more…)
Updated on Jul 19, 2018 | Health Tips, Your Health
Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) is an exceedingly common sleep disorder. It is estimated that one in five adults in the United States have OSA. OSA has been linked to many health conditions including high blood pressure, heart disease, and stroke.
OSA was traditionally diagnosed using an in-laboratory sleep test requiring the patient to spend the night in a sleep center. It is an expensive test necessitating special equipment, dedicated software for data processing, and trained technicians to conduct and score the sleep test. Subsequently, a sleep medicine provider interprets the data and provides a diagnosis and treatment plan. Under this model, OSA has been vastly under diagnosed. (more…)
Nov 13, 2015 | Health Tips, Your Health
Suicide is an epidemic among transgender youth — and it’s preventable.
Suicide can impact anyone, but transgender teens are at particular risk. Studies have shown that between 30 and 50 percent of transgender youth have seriously considered suicide, and one quarter have attempted to end their lives.
But not all transgender teens face equal risk. Unsurprisingly, teens with supportive parents are far less likely to try to end their lives. A recent Toronto study found that, among transgender teens whose parents were very supportive, 4% had attempted suicide?—?compared to 57% of teens whose parents were somewhat to not at all supportive (more…)
Oct 30, 2015 | Health Tips, Your Health
Pulmonary hypertension is a condition of increased pressure in the blood vessels of the lungs. Because of this increased pressure, the heart has more difficulty with effectively pumping blood throughout the body, which can lead to symptoms of shortness of breath and leg swelling. While there are a number of effective medications to reduce the pressure in the blood vessels of the lungs, limiting salt intake is an important measure to help alleviate this pressure and reduce symptoms. (more…)
Oct 26, 2015 | Health Tips, Your Health
From the candy to the ghosts and goblins to the costumes, Halloween is that fun-filled time for children and parents to enjoy. However, it can also bring certain safety hazards to trick-or-treaters. There are many safety measures that parents can take to help make this year’s festivity a safe one and Allison Gault, MD, Assistant Professor, in the Division of General Pediatrics at the Mount Sinai Kravis Children’s Hospital, addresses common concerns that parents have on Halloween. (more…)