Nov 12, 2014 | Ear Nose Throat, Health Tips
Many people experience ear pain when they scuba dive or fly. Some feel that they cannot dive, even in a swimming pool, because they have trouble “clearing” their ears. This ear discomfort is due to pressure changes in the middle ear. (more…)
Nov 6, 2014 | Health Tips, Your Health
As we head through fall and on toward winter, it’s the time of year when you might start to have the sniffles, sneezing, or a cough. But what is it? Fall allergies? A cold?
Sujan Patel, MD, Assistant Professor of Allergy and Immunology, New York Eye and Ear Infirmary of Mount Sinai, says “Many symptoms of the common cold and fall allergies can overlap, leaving patients confused as to the best course of treatment. But there are some simple ways to tell these different conditions apart.”
Dr. Patel shares some tips on how to tell the difference between fall allergies and colds by the most common symptoms of each:
Oct 31, 2014 | Health Tips, Your Health
With the New York City Marathon fast approaching this Sunday, many may be inspired to lace up their sneakers and get to running. Running is a great way to get exercise while exploring the city however, below are five of the most common mistakes made by runners.
Improper Shoes
Most novice runners lace up an old pair of sneakers and start to run but, this has many pitfalls. The type of shoe you wear has to be right for your individual foot. It also should not be worn out, as that will change the biomechanics of the shoe/run dynamic. It is best to go to a specialty running store, where a knowledgeable salesperson can evaluate your foot type, and inward foot movement, to see if you are an over-pronator, under-pronator or a neutral runner – each type of foot requires a different shoe type. It is also important to then replace the shoe every 300 miles, or when you can visibly notice wear on the bottom of the shoe.
Oct 29, 2014 | Health Tips, Your Health
Not only is Halloween candy lining drugstore aisles, but it seems to have taken residence at the workplace (those pesky candy dishes!), supermarket shelves and even the doctor’s office. The holiday of ghouls and goblins not only brings plenty of tricks and scary costumes, but it signifies the start to a holiday season filled with treats. Healthy habits you’ve worked so hard to instill can fall by the wayside as Halloween candy transitions to pecan pie, Christmas cookies and fruitcakes. The good news is that we’re here to help you navigate the holidays and help you maintain a healthy balance. First up: Halloween! (more…)
Oct 24, 2014 | Health Tips, Your Health
Brussel sprouts have a history of under appreciation, being boiled or steamed to an olive colored mush and strongly eliciting smells of sulfur. Over the past few years, however, they’ve taken a turn in the eyes of the public and have become a favorite of foodies, bloggers, and some of the best restaurants in NYC. This is good news for the health minded and flavor-seeking alike!
Oct 20, 2014 | Health Tips, Your Health
With the NFL season in full effect, and many of our young athletes in the midst of their fall sports seasons, we must all remain vigilant about the possibility of a concussion. Increased media attention has raised awareness on the importance of this issue, specifically with regard to professional football. However, there is now emerging evidence on the increased frequency of concussions in soccer, lacrosse and hockey as well. Suffering just one serious concussion may result in long-term consequences and increased susceptibility to future injury, and therefore, as parents and amateur athletes, we must recognize the signs and symptoms of a concussion, and learn what to do if one occurs.