Make the Most of Seasonal Foods

Guest post by Kelly Hogan, MS, RD, CDN, Senior Dietitian, The Mount Sinai Hospital.

Aside from colorful flowers, longer days and the ability to comfortably venture outside with only a single layer of clothing, my favorite thing (appropriately so) is new seasonal produce. Just when I’ve run out of things to do with winter root vegetables and am tiring of hot soups and stews, spring shows up with an abundance of colorful fruits and veggies to bring new life and variety into my diet (and hopefully yours!). (more…)

Probiotics and Weight Management

Guest post by Valentine Reed-Johnson, RD, CDN, Clinical Dietitian, The Mount Sinai Hospital, and Kelly Hogan, MS, RD, CDN, Senior Dietitian, The Mount Sinai Hospital.

There have been recent rumblings (no pun intended!) in the nutrition community about a potential connection between obesity, disease and gut health. Probiotics, or “good” bacteria, are found in certain foods and supplements and play an important role in the maintenance of a healthy digestive tract. Because of this, probiotics may also be key players in the prevention of chronic disease and obesity. Before heading to the store for the latest in supplementation or a brew-at-home kombucha set, here’s a review of the latest research and our thoughts on where to go from here. (more…)

Nutrition Trends – Separating Fact and Fiction

The nutrition world is constantly buzzing with new trends and the latest and greatest “it” diet or food–many of which aren’t backed by sound nutritional evidence. Separating the trends from the facts is a big part of my job as a registered dietitian. Here are a few thoughts on some of the latest newsmakers and trends of 2015:

Gut health.

Research continues to point to an increasingly important role the gut plays in our overall well-being. Probiotics have been shown to help relieve gastrointestinal symptoms (think bloating, constipation and diarrhea), environmental allergic reactions and may even reduce the severity of cold and flu symptoms. From fermented foods and drinks (kimchi or kombucha, anyone?) to our favorite yogurt standbys, keeping our intestines happy should be a priority this year. (more…)

Healthy Holiday Nutrition Tips

It’s that time of year again—brisk temperatures, festive décor, holiday parties. While it’s often something we look forward to for months, the time from Thanksgiving to New Years also means being faced with seasonal treats, big meals and fancy cocktails that can make it difficult to maintain a healthy diet. According to recent research, the average American may gain 1-2 pounds this time of year, which can be tough to lose once we put away our party hats and winter sets in. The good news is that keeping up your healthy habits through the holidays and avoiding weight gain doesn’t mean depriving yourself of things you love. Here are our tips for having a happy and healthy holiday season:


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