“We are very excited about introducing AposTherapy to treat chronic knee and back pain,” says Joseph E. Herrera, DO, Chair of the Department of Rehabilitation Medicine. Developed in Israel, AposTherapy uses specially designed biomechanical shoes to retrain the muscles around the knee by adjusting the center of pressure when walking. By changing the foot’s point of contact with the ground, the device shifts the line of force closer to the center of the knee. Pods on the bottom of the shoes are calibrated for each patient by a specially trained physical therapist. Patients wear the shoes for up to two hours a day during their regular activities. The AposTherapy treatment is being offered as part of a study being conducted at Mount Sinai. The study has enrolled 73 patients. To learn more, visit mountsinai.org/apos or email RehabBIappt@chpnet.org.
Dr. Herrera is a non-paid member of the Medical Advisory Board of AposTherapy.