Some of you have probably thought about or written down a New Year’s resolution for 2013. All too often, we notice those resolutions fading as February 1st rolls around. We all have the ability to keep our New Year’s resolutions and to make important and healthy changes in our lives. The dilemma is that we often lack the strategies needed to stay on track. Here are some helpful tips to keep you focused and successful in 2015!

1. Make S.M.A.R.T. goals: Goals must be Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic and Timely. All too often, we set ourselves up for failure when we generalize our resolutions and set no end date. Rather than setting a goal of “Get more fit,” set one as “Go to the gym 3 times a week.” Know what you can do, and set yourself up for success!

2. Surround yourself with support: Our success is based largely on the support that our environment and people surrounding us give to us. Create a buddy system with someone, and create an environment that supports your goals and vision. For example, don’t keep unhealthy snacks in the house if you are trying to eat a healthier diet.

3. Focus on one resolution at a time: Sometimes we are a little too ambitious with what we want to accomplish and how much time and energy we actually have. When we set too many goals, we end up setting ourselves up for failure. Focus on one thing at a time, and once you have that checked off, move on to the next.

4. Choose resolutions that are in line with your own values: Pick resolutions that are in sync with your passions and values. If you choose a resolution for someone else or one that has no meaning to you, you will find yourself lost and not motivated.

5. Add your resolution to your calendar: If it isn’t in writing, it probably will not remain a priority. Add tasks into your calendar that will help you work toward attaining and maintaining your resolution. The more you see it, and the more you commit time to it, the more likely you are to keep your resolution. Setting aside time each day to work on it, even if it seems like a small achievement, is still progress.

This year, make it a point to stick with your resolution by using these helpful tips to keep up your momentum toward your resolution rather than its disappearing in your busy schedule of to-dos. You are important, so make a point to put you and your resolution first this year. 2013 is a great year to start, continue and finish your New Year’s resolutions!

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