I am incredibly proud to work among social workers who during the pandemic have continued to work on- and off-site and show up for our patients each day. I won’t forget the countless calls, speaking to grieving wives, husbands, and caregivers. Or when I tried to explain to a case manager that their client wasn’t responding to treatment and was being moved to the palliative care floor. I will never forget the moment I promised to walk a grieving wife’s husband to the morgue because she couldn’t be there to say goodbye. I will always remember expediting the transportation request to send a patient safely back to his nursing home, so he could spend his last moments with his wife. I will remember every single patient’s family member I have spoken to on the phone, some for almost an hour, listening to them tell me about their loved one who they can’t be with while they are fighting for their lives. I won’t forget.

Erin Kelley, LMSW
Social Services
The Mount Sinai Hospital

Inventory analyst Margaret Samuels has been in charge of making sure the Emergency Department is stocked with PPE. Margaret has delivered PPE quickly and promptly when needed. At the height of the outbreak, she was like a bright light in a storm when she would arrive with shields, N-95s, and surgical masks. No matter how many times we called Margaret during a shift, she was there. Before she would leave to go home, she would check to make sure we were fully stocked with PPE for the overnight. Margaret is one of our star team members and we all thank her.

Fionnuala Quigley, RN
Emergency Department
Mount Sinai Queens

 I would like to thank Kelsey Moyer, RN, and her entire team of PACU nurses for their outstanding dedication, care, and service to our patients during the COVID-19 crisis. PACU nurses not only faced the challenges of COVID, but also had to quickly develop new skill sets to provide palliation and end-of-life care for critically ill and dying patients. We can only describe the way they worked as a symphony of compassionate care, where each nurse knew how to support our Palliative Care team, support the patient, and support the family. The beautiful harmony of your nursing care will never be forgotten!

Lilian Espinoza, LCSW
Palliative Care
Mount Sinai Queens

I am a nurse practitioner in the Department of Neurosurgery at Mount Sinai. Since 2018, a group of nursing leaders and advanced practice providers (nurse practitioners and physician assistants) in Neurosurgery have partnered with a four-year bachelor’s level nursing program in the Democratic Republic of Congo Monkole Hospital through the Harambee USA Foundation to provide scholarships to deserving nursing students. During the height of our difficult COIVD-19 times (late March through mid-April) the scholarship students at Monkole were supporting us at Mount Sinai with love, gratitude, and prayers!  It would be beautiful if this solidarity of professional nurses from Monkole and Mount SInai would be noted among our positive COVID memories.

Johanna Valiquette, NP
Department of Neurosurgery
The Mount Sinai Hospital



Today, we had travelers, per diems, and three new RNs, who all started on the same day. Although Winnie Luk, RN, is a fairly new nurse, she really took initiative to be the charge nurse today, and she did a great job! Winnie remains unflustered, no matter what her assignment brings her. Happy to have her on our team!

Mindy Wirth, MSN, RN
Nurse Manager, 4 East
Mount Sinai Queens

Medical assistant Carol Hannibal has helped the Nursing Education Department tremendously. She has quickly adapted to her temporary role and has provided the department with creative ideas to streamline our administrative processes here. I commend her flexibility to work in our department and she will be greatly missed when she returns to her regular assignment!

Keiana Caesar, Secretary
Nursing Education
Mount Sinai Queens

Peterson Masigan, MSN, RN, is phenomenal. He was redeployed from the Neurology Department, where he is the stroke team coordinator, to manage a new COVID unit, 10 Silver. This dedicated employee stepped up to the plate. He went above and beyond to supply all the information and equipment we needed to provide excellent patient care. Peterson was always ready to facilitate a Zoom meeting, or check in on a patient if the monitor was alarming when the other staff members were busy elsewhere. When Peterson was on the unit and there was a need, it was a done deal. He was a breath of fresh air in a trying time.

Elizabeth Phillips, RN
Mount Sinai Beth Israel

Kamilia Ait Belkacem started her career as a physician assistant right as the pandemic hit, and she has proved to be a great team member. She takes her work seriously, and you can really tell that she cares about her patients. She is great at procedures and at identifying patients’ needs. If you work with Kamilia, you would not be able to tell that she is a newly graduated PA. I am so impressed with the level of skill that she has reached.

Amani Choudhury, PA
Department of Medicine
Mount Sinai Queens

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