Since the beginning of this pandemic, we have been present, front and center. We are not doctors, nurses, respiratory techs or housekeepers, but just as important, we are radiographers. The Radiology Department’s technologists are in constant contact with COVID-19 patients, helping to support doctors and allowing them to be able to “see” patients’ condition, helping them via imaging to determine a diagnosis. With countless orders of X-rays, CAT scans, MRI and IR cases, we as technologists deal with these patients first-hand day in and day out, 24 hours a day, seven days a week. We make every patient our priority, and every study exam is as important as the last. As other front-liners received well-deserved praise and support, we also want to express our pride in the role that our field and practice play in this ongoing crisis.

Lissette Cuevas, Radiographer
Mount Sinai Morningside

Before Mount Sinai eliminated visitor access to the morgue, I had several patient expirations in a single day, and Jennifer Cameron, the morgue manager, was unfailingly kind and supportive of both me and patients’ families. Jennifer never rushed a family’s grieving process and went above and beyond to ensure that family members were able to get closure and see their loved one after their passing. She is calm and gracious and so unbelievably in demand right now, but you wouldn’t know it from working with her. She remains focused and empathic, despite how exceedingly busy her unit is.

Dianna Ripley, LMSW
Emergency Department
The Mount Sinai Hospital

We had a COVID patient who had no appetite. A patient care associate offered the patient what we had in the pantry, trying to get her to eat something, but she refused all. On that same day, the actress Jessica Chastain sent a box full of snacks, which we kept at the front desk. Ester Yoo finally thought of the gift box, and offered the patient a banana walnut muffin from the selection, and the patient accepted!

Later, Ester seemed sad, and I asked her what was wrong. She said, “I gave my banana muffin away; do you know how much I love banana bread?” We both laughed so hard. I turned around and gave her mine. She was stunned and said, “No, but what about you?” I said,  “I’m OK, as much as I love banana muffins, I do know how to make them. I just haven’t had the time.”

I loved that Ester reacted toward the patient’s needs and did a selfless act. I love that humanity still exists.

Rosaura Roman
Business Associate
Maternal Child Care Center
The Mount Sinai Hospital

This is a hard time for all of us during this COVID-19 crisis especially in NYC.

A close family friend shared this picture with me early Easter morning and it brought a smile to my face, because I know NYC will rise again after this storm. We are resilient and blessed by a loving God and amazing health system. I would like to give credits to  photographer, Zoe Szafran, for sharing this beautiful picture with me. It brightened up my Easter Sunday, and I hope it has an impact on the many people this is shared with. There is a bright light at the end of this road.

Elsy Rivera, RN
Case Management
The Mount Sinai Hospital

I would like acknowledge an incredible discharge coordinator, Debra Bedell. She is in a grant position, which ended on March 27, but she felt that she couldn’t let the residents or patients down. So she has continued in the position as a volunteer. She works tirelessly to ensure that all our patients have post-discharge appointments, and we couldn’t function without her.

Stephanie Rutledge, MD
The Mount Sinai Hospital

I would like to thank and acknowledge the entire Movement Disorder team at 10 Union Square East. Many have been working from home trying to make sure that all patients are still being taken care of by converting appointments to video and doing an amazing job. We also have those who come to the office and pitch in to help where they can. We continue to be a team, whether on site or off, and that makes me feel proud to be a part of such a great team under amazing management. I am thankful to have such awesome coworkers.

Scharlyn Pagan
Administrative Assistant
10 Union Square East


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