Mount Sinai Health System Trustee Carla A. Harris was honored recently at the 35th annual gala of One Hundred Black Men, Inc. of New York, an organization that provides mentoring, education, and other opportunities for the black community. The organization founded the Eagle Academy for Young Men in 2004, which operates five all-male public schools in the Bronx, Brooklyn, Queens, and Harlem, N.Y., and Newark, N.J.

In August, the Eagle Academy Foundation partnered with the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai’s Center for Excellence in Youth Education (CEYE) to establish the Lloyd Sherman Scholars Biotech Preparation and Enrichment Program, which will develop science-based skills and career interests among male high-school students of color. The late Lloyd Sherman, EdD, was the founding director of CEYE.

In support of Ms. Harris, members of the Friends of Odysseus, a black and Latino male mentoring program at the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, joined several Mount Sinai Health System Boards of Trustees members and others at the event.

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