From left: Matthew Baney with Michael Mullen, MD, Director, Institute for Advanced Medicine, Mount Sinai Health System; Thomas Dwyer, Senior Vice President, Visiting Nurse Service of New York; and Edward Lucy, Chief Administrative and Contracting Officer, Mount Sinai Health System.

VNSNY CHOICE SelectHealth, a New York State Department of Health Special Needs Plan for Medicaid-eligible New Yorkers living with HIV, recently awarded the Mount Sinai Health System $360,000 for its efforts at successfully improving the overall health status of its members.

Mount Sinai’s Institute for Advanced Medicine, which directs all of the Mount Sinai Health System’s HIV prevention and treatment programs, serves more than 1,100 HIV-positive VNSNY CHOICE SelectHealth members annually. The award will be used to support Mount Sinai’s quality initiatives that serve this population.

“VNSNY CHOICE SelectHealth shares with our Mount Sinai provider partners the conviction that HIV infection is now a readily treatable condition from which no New Yorker needs to suffer or die,” says Jay Dobkin, MD, Medical Director for VNSNY CHOICE SelectHealth. “We are gratified that our efforts in support of the Mount Sinai program have been so successful, and hope to build even more effective collaborations in the future.”

Matthew Baney, Senior Director of the Institute for Advanced Medicine, says, “We have been successful in starting and maintaining our patients on medications to keep them healthier. All of our sites have initiated outreach efforts and care coordination activities directed at finding patients who fall out of care and getting them back into treatment. We also have a fair amount of patients in the Mount Sinai Health Home Program, which is a free service that integrates and coordinates health care for people on Medicaid—and that has a significant impact on suppression rates.”

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