The time has come to grab a basket and head out to your nearest farmers’ market or grocery store because we have reached the season for fresh fruits and vegetables! Fall is a great time to fill your crisper and kitchen counter with great-tasting fruits and vegetables for your family. Here are a couple of my favorite fall veggies and fruits to spice up the season and some reasons why you should include them on your plate.
* Broccoli: When it comes to a super food, broccoli knocks the title out of the park. Broccoli is a member of the cabbage family and as such packs a mighty vitamin C punch. Eating only one cup of raw broccoli provides more than double your daily need for the vitamin! Broccoli is also full of cancer-fighting photochemicals. But, wait, that isn’t all. Broccoli also has calcium to help maintain strong bones and is full of folic acid, which aids in the prevention of birth defects. Serving broccoli raw or steamed is the best way to preserve all those nutrients.
* Brussels sprouts: Another cancer fighting food and member of the cabbage family, Brussels sprouts are great for their fiber content. They have equal parts soluble and insoluble fiber, which helps to decrease bad cholesterol and keeps you regular. Like most vegetables, Brussels sprouts are low in fat and calories (only 24 calories in a half-cup of cooked sprouts), however, unlike a lot of other veggies, they are rather high in protein. Add some quinoa or other whole grain to make a protein-packed meal without adding any meat.
* Cranberries: What is Thanksgiving without a bowl of cranberry sauce? But you should eat these berries more often! They are full of antioxidants, which protect cells from cancer-causing agents. Cranberries also can help prevent plaque from forming on your teeth and can help decrease the cause of stomach cancer and ulcers by binding with bacteria. With that bacteria-binding power, some research shows that cranberries aid in the prevention of urinary-tract infections.
* Pumpkins: It isn’t fall without a friendly jack-o-lantern smiling at you! Pumpkins are not only great-looking on your front porch, they are great on your plate, too. They are full of antioxidants and are a great source of vitamin A, which aids in skin integrity and vision and helps protect your body against some cancers. Don’t forget those seeds! Pumpkin seeds are a good source of fiber and healthy monounsaturated fat, which means they are heart-friendly.
* Spinach: At their peak in early fall, spinach is a great source of vitamin K and vitamin A, as well as folate, magnesium and iron. Research shows that spinach can help to reduce the risk of several types of cancer, including stomach, prostate and skin cancers. It can also act as an anti-inflammatory to reduce the severity of symptoms associated with asthma, arthritis and other inflammatory conditions. When shopping for spinach, look for firm, crisp, deep green leaves. Raw spinach is great as a base for salads. In cooking, it’s delicious on its own or when added to soups or casseroles to provide bulk. I like to add spinach to my pasta sauces, on my pizza and in my sandwiches.
So what are you waiting for? Run to the store or market and start incorporating some of these delicious autumnal vegetables and fruits to have fresh, super-healthy foods in your diet.
Christina Arquette, MS, RD, is a Clinical Dietician at St. Luke’s and Roosevelt Hospitals.