When Ann Ogden was first diagnosed with kidney cancer in 2001, she had no idea that creating a cooking network for cancer patients would someday become her great life’s work. Ann was, professionally, a fashion designer, but she found her culinary knowledge to be particularly useful while managing the side effects of treatment for a later diagnosed breast cancer. She would swap recipes with other patients, who found her guidance helpful and encouraged her to do more with her skills. In 2007, Cook for Your Life–a website dedicated to providing healthy recipes, cooking tips and nutrition information to cancer survivors–was born.

Recently, Cook for Your Life partnered with the National Cancer Institute and Dr. Heather Greenlee of Columbia University to study whether healthy cooking classes can impact diet choices. The study targeted Latina breast cancer survivors, who are at higher risk for obesity and have statistically poorer access to healthcare. Compared to a control group, study participants that received cooking classes with Ann increased their intake of fruit and vegetables by over 2.5 servings per day. This is exciting news, as a mere 18 percent of breast cancer survivors meet fruit and vegetable diet guidelines and interventions aimed at lifestyle changes are often ineffective.

The Dubin Breast Center collaborates with Ann and Cook for Your Life, seasonally, to host plant-based cooking classes for breast cancer patients. As part of a nutrition program, these classes provide women with the tools they need to take health recommendations into their homes. They may be exposed to a new vegetable and feel comfortable cooking with it in the same hour. Although no formal research on this topic has been conducted at Dubin, patients have reported motivation to increase the quantity or variety of plant foods in their diets, following a Cook for Your Life event. Women have also noted that these classes can indirectly provide support, while managing the stress of a cancer diagnosis.

To see recipes from Cook for Your Life and learn more about the organization, head to cookforyourlife.org.


Alexandra Rothwell, RD, CSO, CDN, is a registered dietitian and specialist in oncology nutrition. She has worked within the Tisch Cancer Institute for the past 3 years, now focusing on breast cancer nutrition for the Dubin Breast Center. Alexandra provides individual counseling in the areas of wellness, weight management and symptom/side effect management, in addition to creating patient education programs in this realm.

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