Updated on Jun 30, 2022 | Diet and Nutrition, Gastroenterology, Health Tips, Holistic Health, Popular, Women's Health
You’ve heard about it, everyone seems to be doing it, all the hot celebrities are endorsing it—but what exactly is a “cleanse”?
Technically, a cleanse is any dietary or lifestyle regimen that serves to remove toxins from the body and restore optimal health. Weight loss often is a desired side effect, but is not the primary goal. Cleansing, when done properly and not as an extreme crash diet, can be a healthy part of a routine that, many believe, will leave you feeling good, healthy and energized. Advocates also state that cleansing improves your immune system, fights cancer, treats depression and provides a spiritual experience. (more…)
Updated on Jun 30, 2022 | Diet and Nutrition, Exercise, Health Tips
The holidays often are an excuse to indulge in sweet desserts, alcohol and higher-fat delicacies. If you or someone you love is trying to lose weight, the holidays can be challenging. Parties, open bars, large meals and perishable gifts all provide temptations for dieters. If you know someone who is trying to lose weight, it is important to support his or her effort. Think first before gifting them with a sweet treat. Here are some alternative ideas for your generosity this holiday season: (more…)
Nov 25, 2013 | Diet and Nutrition, Exercise, Health Tips
It’s no secret: the holidays can be tough on your waistline. We work all summer to lose weight, only to sabotage our progress at Thanksgiving. One day we’re feeling great, and the next we’re unbuttoning our slacks at the dinner table to make room for seconds. How does that happen? (more…)
Nov 20, 2013 | Diabetes, Diet and Nutrition, Health Tips
This post was written by nutritionist Lynn Polmanteer, MD, RD, CDN, CDE, of the Friedman Diabetes Institute.
People with diabetes can enjoy eating at most restaurants while still successfully managing their condition. It’s all about making smart choices when dining out. Here are some tips to help you choose wisely: (more…)
Oct 14, 2013 | Diet and Nutrition, Family Medicine, OB/GYN, Pediatrics, Women's Health
At Mount Sinai Beth Israel, we place every healthy, full-term baby skin to skin (baby naked, not wrapped in a blanket) with his or her mother immediately after birth. The skin-to-skin contact warms the baby and stimulates the release of oxytocin and prolactin—the hormones responsible for milk production—in the mother.
The more skin-to-skin contact a mother has with her baby, the more stable (heart rate, breathing, body temperature, blood pressure) baby is, and the more breast milk mother makes. Babies who are held skin to skin cry very infrequently, and so do not lose body heat. Babies held skin to skin also have stable blood sugar levels, preventing the need for supplemental milk. (more…)
Oct 7, 2013 | Diet and Nutrition, Health Tips
The time has long passed when someone looking to buy an apple would go to his or her local grocer and purchase the one and only type of apple available. Today, demand requires a variety of apples to be offered to customers—from the standard Red Delicious to the starchy Gala; and from local to conventional to organically grown apples. With so many options available for these and others foods, how can we decide what to purchase? Food labels start to get overwhelming even for nutrition experts. The following Q&A will help you become more knowledgeable about the foods you eat, and will make your next grocery-shopping trip a bit easier. (more…)