The Reflux Dilemma

Many people are all-too familiar with acid reflux and how it can potentially affect us. We know the classic symptoms of indigestion and “heartburn” (GERD, or gastroesophageal reflux disease). Some of us experience less common symptoms that affect the throat, such as chronic cough, throat clearing, hoarseness, a feeling of a lump in the throat, and post-nasal drip (LPR or laryngopharyngeal reflux disease). (more…)

Tips for curbing a sugar habit in the New Year

If you think you eat too much sugar, you probably do, and you’re not alone in satisfying your sweet tooth. This infographic illustrates the extent to which Americans overindulge. On average, Americans consume 765 grams sugar, the equivalent of 17 12-ounce sodas every 5 days. Our typical intake is 22 teaspoons of sugar per day, compared to the American Heart Association recommendation of no more than 9.5 teaspoons. (more…)

Realistic Resolutions for the New Year

healthy-new-yearA new year is the perfect time to set goals and make positive changes in our lives. But, if you’re like the majority of us, these good intentions tend to fall by the wayside long before the winter snow starts to melt. This can happen if we set expectations too high or try to make drastic changes – it’s easy to get discouraged this way and abandon our plans. This year, try making smaller, more sustainable changes, which can add up big time over the course of the year! Here are some of our favorites: (more…)

Nutrition Tips for Holiday Parties

‘Tis the season for treats – eggnog, cookies, fruitcakes, fancy cocktails – the list is endless. Pair holiday menus with a packed party schedule and not enough exercise time, and it’s no wonder we tend to see the scales creep up by the end of December. Here are our tips to get through those holiday parties healthfully.


Asthma and Pregnancy

Asthma is one of the most common health conditions during pregnancy, affecting 1 in 12 women. Asthma can impact your pregnancy, and pregnancy can influence the behavior of your asthma. Asthma, particularly when uncontrolled, has been linked to certain complications of pregnancy, including low infant birth weight and prematurity. Pregnant women with asthma need reliable information to make healthy choices regarding their asthma during pregnancy.


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