Fuel Your Workout Without Expanding Your Waistline

This post originally appeared on Healthline.

If you live with diabetes and exercise regularly, you might have asked yourself, “What am I supposed to eat after my workouts?” Some gyms have a conveniently placed juice bar right at the entrance, making it seem like everybody should be “refueling” post-workout with a super-sized smoothie. Health food stores will sell protein shakes and bars that claim to help “rebuild muscle” and “enhance performance.” So what is a person living with diabetes to do? (more…)

Can Exercise Replace Drugs?

Can exercise replace drugs? A study recently published in BMJ (formerly the British Medical Journal) asked this question for four chronic conditions: coronary artery disease, pre-diabetes, stroke and heart failure. The study, which included more than 330,000 patients, was a “meta-analyses.” In other words, it compiled data from previously published controlled trials that looked at the effects of exercise or drug therapy on survival for the illnesses in question. (more…)

Get Healthier and Stronger with Cross Training

You’ve faithfully trained five days a week for two years to successfully complete the New York City Marathon. You feel great and can run 20 miles with relative ease. Then your date asks you to join her at yoga class, during which you find you can’t come close to touching your toes. The next day your calf muscles are painful and you can’t run.

Or, perhaps you love going to the gym to lift free-weights and use the machines. You look and feel great; your muscles are well developed and cut. But when you decide to join in on your niece’s basketball game, you find yourself too out of breath to keep up, and after 10 minutes of play you drag yourself panting to the sidelines to rest. The next day you are too tired to go the gym. (more…)

Healthful Gifting: Help Your Friends Stay Fit This Holiday Season

The holidays often are an excuse to indulge in sweet desserts, alcohol and higher-fat delicacies. If you or someone you love is trying to lose weight, the holidays can be challenging. Parties, open bars, large meals and perishable gifts all provide temptations for dieters. If you know someone who is trying to lose weight, it is important to support his or her effort. Think first before gifting them with a sweet treat. Here are some alternative ideas for your generosity this holiday season: (more…)

Tips for Beating the Winter Blues

This post was adapted from information that originally appeared on www.LiveWellNewYork.com

As we head into winter, the days are growing shorter, the weather is getting colder—and many people are bracing for the blues. It’s not uncommon to feel down around the winter holidays, so try the following tips to help lift your mood and fight off seasonal depression. (more…)

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