McKaylea DeLong is a 9-year-old who lives in a small town outside of Syracuse, New York. She developed a rare autoimmune kidney disease in 2021 and was treated at a hospital in Syracuse for several weeks, with some improvement in kidney function, but ultimately, her disease was too far advanced, and medical therapy was not successful. The Mount Sinai Recanati/Miller Transplantation Institute team started following her in 2022, when she was referred for evaluation for a kidney transplant. And she received her new kidney in September 2022.

Two years later, McKaylea was granted her wish from the Make-A-Wish Foundation, when she returned to New York City to “do all the things I couldn’t do when I was here for my transplant.” In addition, she wanted to meet the transplant surgeon who saved her life, and, importantly, share ice cream with him. On August 29, she did just that, meeting Vikram Wadhera, MBBS, and Rafael Khaim, DNP, ANP-BC, FNP-BC, Clinical Senior Operations Manager, Pediatric and Adult Renal Transplant, at Noi Due Gelato on the Upper West Side.

McKaylea DeLong with Rafael Khaim, DNP, ANP-BC, FNP-BC, left, and Vikram Wadhera, MD

McKaylea’s mother is incredibly grateful to Dr. Wadhera, and the “phenomenal” team who cared for McKaylea and supported the family. “From the receptionist to the nutritionist, so many kind and skilled professionals. They blew me out of the water,” she says. “All willing to answer any and all questions and address my concerns.”

She has special praise for Rafael, who she says, “was on the jump from day one” and throughout McKaylea’s journey for a new kidney, including planning the meet-up with Dr. Wadhera. Not only did Rafael make all the arrangements for the ice cream date, but he purchased an American Doll for McKaylea, complete with blonde hair like hers.

Rafael is aware that that everyone on the team can make a lasting impact on patients.

“We all have the potential to change the lives of those we care for, in and out of the hospital, and can shape experiences that will turn into cherished memories forever.”

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