Weight lifting doesn’t always have to happen at the gym—any park bench, open space, shady tree or living room can be a great place to get in shape! Lifting is an important part of wellness and physical fitness. It helps break down and rebuild muscle, which in turn burns more calories and tones the body. You don’t need weights to lift, either; with enough repetition and sets, your own body weight can be used in training to get in shape.

Here are 3 body-weight exercises you can do on your own at home or outside this summer:

Squat Jumps

1. Start with legs shoulder-width apart, arms by your side.

2. Squat down so your upper and lower legs are at a 90-degree angle.

3. Explosively jump up into the air, reaching your arms overhead as high as you can.

4. Land softly back down into the squat for one repetition.

5. Quickly repeat the sequence, immediately jumping up again.

6. Do 2 sets of 10 to 15 jumps, adding or subtracting repetitions if it is too easy or too hard.

Tips: Keeping your chest and head up helps prevent injury. The faster you repeat, the more cardio is added to the exercise.

Push-Up with Rotation

1. Start facedown on all fours in a traditional push-up position:

a. With your arms extended downward, position hands palms-down on the ground, shoulder width apart;

b. Extend legs behind you, supporting your weight on the balls of your feet/toes and palms.

2. Bend your arms so your chest moves toward the ground, keeping the rest of your body in a flat plank position.

3. Once your arms reach a 90-degree bend, push your body back up so your arms are straight again.

4. Rotate your body so your right arm lifts up and extends overhead. Your body should form a T.

5. Slowly rotate back down, placing your hand and body in the starting position.

6. Repeat the push-up, rotating your body toward the other side, extending your left arm overhead.

7. Do 2 sets of 10 to 15 push-ups with rotation, adding or subtracting repetitions if it is too easy or too hard.

Tips: Keeping hands in-line with shoulders protects your joints. Holding the side plank T-position adds an extra workout for your abdominal muscles.

Triceps Dip

1. Sit on a park bench or sturdy, secure chair.

2. Place your hands on the bench or chair beside your hips, knuckles facing forward.

3. Lift up onto your hands and move your hips forward off the bench/chair, moving your feet forward.

4. Lower yourself down, bending your elbows to reach a 90-degree angle, keeping them close to your body.

5. Push back up to full extension of the arms, so your hips are level with the front of the bench/chair again.

6. Do 2 sets of 15 to 20 dips, adding or subtracting repetitions if it is too easy or too hard.

Tip: Moving your feet further forward and going slower makes the dip more challenging.

I hope these few exercises help keep you healthy and strong all summer long! Remember to always check with your doctor to make sure you are physically fit to work out.

To find an excellent doctor who is right for you, please call our Physician Referral Service at 866.804.1007.


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