Mount Sinai’s Heritage of Latinx Alliance (HOLA) employee resource group participated in the 67th Puerto Rican Day parade down Fifth Avenue in New York in a joyous display of dancing and interacting with the crowd. The event was held Sunday, June 9.

“Events like these hold great significance as they bring together individuals from diverse backgrounds, reflecting the strong foundation of diversity within the Mount Sinai Health System. Coming together for a shared purpose truly embodies our motto, We Find a Way,” said Shawn Lee, Director of Operations for the Central Billing Office and Co-Lead of the Heritage of Latinx Alliance. “During the parade, we found our way down Fifth Avenue, proudly representing Mount Sinai.”

“Marching in the parade demonstrates Mount Sinai’s diversity and inclusion efforts to our thousands of hard working employees, to the tens of thousands of Puerto Ricans in New York City, and to millions more New Yorkers,” said Frank Pabon, Director of Operations at the Central Billing Office and Co-Lead of Heritage of Latinx Alliance. “Our participation makes a statement to all who march in the parade and watch on television that Mount Sinai values the culture and history of Puerto Ricans.”

Participation in the parade was made possible by the Mount Sinai Health System Office for Diversity and Inclusion, Carlos A. Maceda, MBA, Chief Supply Officer, Sylvia Anavitate, Billing Coordinator, and the HOLA employee resource group.

“Thank you to everyone who joined us,” said Mr. Pabon. “We had an amazing time and look forward to having an even bigger presence at the parade next year.”

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