Faces and Stories of the employees at Mount Sinai Beth Israel, Mount Sinai Union Square, The Blavatnik Family-Chelsea Medical Center of Mount Sinai, and all of our Opioid Treatment Programs and Doctors locations
COVID-19 Spotlight: Dr. Chunkeun Oh

COVID-19 Spotlight: Dr. Chunkeun Oh

Dr. Chunkeun Oh, MSBI Anesthesiologist, volunteered to help our sister hospital, Mount Sinai Brooklyn as the COVID-19 situation was escalating. Mount Sinai Brooklyn was hit hard with an early influx of critical COVID-19 patients and a lot of...

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Our Nurses Inspire Me by Dr. Jeremy Boal

Our Nurses Inspire Me by Dr. Jeremy Boal

It’s Nurses Week. And it is the 200th Anniversary of the birth of Florence Nightingale.This year, more than ever, I witness our nurses exemplify everything we respect and admire about the nursing profession: compassion, excellence, and dedication to caring...

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Happy Nurses Week by Christine Mahoney, RN

Happy Nurses Week by Christine Mahoney, RN

It could not be more fitting that the World Health Organization designated 2020 as the “Year of the Nurse.” The worldwide outbreak of COVID-19 tested everyone and has impacted everyone’s lives. One thing that did not change is the way nurses...

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Celebrating Nurses Week

Celebrating Nurses Week

Happy Nurses Week! Mount Sinai ran two advertisements in The New York Times and American Nurses Association journal in honor of you: We have more content on our Instagram Page.

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COVID-19 Spotlight: Mount Sinai has Heart

COVID-19 Spotlight: Mount Sinai has Heart

Yuriko Higa Fuentes and Mirvjena Polici are Medical Office Specialists from Mount Sinai Heart at Mount Sinai-Union Square have been incredibly adaptable during this challenging time. They were redeployed to help the hospital's Environmental...

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Orienting our New Colleagues by Dr. Jeremy Boal

Orienting our New Colleagues by Dr. Jeremy Boal

What has amazed me most in my time at MSBI is the agility of our teams to adapt to so much change. Right now that is truer than ever. We are uniquely positioned to expand our capacity to support the needs for this pandemic, and so many people...

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Music Inspires Hope and Resilience, Even Remotely

Music Inspires Hope and Resilience, Even Remotely

Social distancing has not separated the hearts and voices of stroke survivors and caregivers at Mount Sinai-Union Square. Without missing a beat when onsite groups were suspended, The Louis Armstrong Center for Music and Medicine (LACMM) swiftly moved...

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Celebrating our Lab Colleagues by Dr. Jeremy Boal

Celebrating our Lab Colleagues by Dr. Jeremy Boal

It’s Lab Week! I’m not sure I can fully express how extraordinary our lab department is. They’ve been challenged in so many ways these past few months like we all have, and they have risen to every occasion. Early on, when we heard about the first case of...

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Keeping Us Safe Behind the Scenes by Dr. Jeremy Boal

Keeping Us Safe Behind the Scenes by Dr. Jeremy Boal

I want to highlight two groups who have shown nonstop courage and dedication behind the scenes during this pandemic. Our environmental services team has always had an absolutely vital role in keeping our patients and our employees safe. Now,...

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Nurse Manager Is Proud to Pitch In

Nurse Manager Is Proud to Pitch In

One of my nurse managers, Donna Dibenedetto, RN, asked how she could help at our sister hospital, Mount Sinai Brooklyn, which has been hit hard. On her own time and on a Saturday, Donna arrived at the hospital. The Human Resources lead asked her what she...

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The Team Keeping You Healthy by Dr. Jeremy Boal

The Team Keeping You Healthy by Dr. Jeremy Boal

While so many of you are giving everything you possibly can to care for our patients, I also want to recognize one of the teams helping to keep you safe and healthy. Our Employee Health Services (EHS) team has been incredibly agile in the midst...

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Our Tent is Up and Running by Dr. Jeremy Boal

Our Tent is Up and Running by Dr. Jeremy Boal

Thanks for your hard work this week as the COVID-19 pandemic continues to escalate. Everyone in our Downtown network and across the system is doing unbelievable work to serve our community. You may have seen the tent on East 16th street outside the MSBI...

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Building Capacity by Dr. Jeremy Boal

Building Capacity by Dr. Jeremy Boal

Everyone in our country is grappling with our changed reality, and I am in complete awe of our Mount Sinai heroes caring directly for COVID-19 patients. I want to recognize a few of these brave people today. Because of our transformation, we...

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Thank You by Dr. Jeremy Boal

Thank You by Dr. Jeremy Boal

I want to keep this short and say: thank you. Thank you for staying so committed and brave during this challenging time. With so much uncertainty, I know that it is hard to focus on work. Thank you for bearing with us as we learn how to adapt...

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Mount Sinai Today
COVID-19 Spotlight: Dr. Chunkeun Oh
Our Nurses Inspire Me by Dr. Jeremy Boal
Happy Nurses Week by Christine Mahoney, RN
Celebrating Nurses Week
iPad Donation to MSBI Provides a Vital Link Between Patients and Families
COVID-19 Spotlight: Mount Sinai has Heart
Orienting our New Colleagues by Dr. Jeremy Boal
Music Inspires Hope and Resilience, Even Remotely
Celebrating our Lab Colleagues by Dr. Jeremy Boal
Keeping Us Safe Behind the Scenes by Dr. Jeremy Boal
Nurse Manager Is Proud to Pitch In
The Team Keeping You Healthy by Dr. Jeremy Boal
Our Tent is Up and Running by Dr. Jeremy Boal
Building Capacity by Dr. Jeremy Boal
Thank You by Dr. Jeremy Boal

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