What is a deviated septum, and do I have one?

The septum is the cartilage and bone that divide the right side of the nose from the left—it is the “tent pole” that holds the nose up. When this structure is deviated, it simply means it is shifted to one side, the other or both. Everyone has a deviated septum to some extent; even after septal surgery, the septum will never be perfectly strait. It may be very mild and not noticeable or severe enough to compromise the nasal breathing.

What causes it?

Septal deviations can result after trauma to the nose or can simply be the result of your genetic make-up.

When should surgery be considered?

Nasal obstruction can affect daily nasal breathing, sleep and exercise, and these are some of the reasons people would choose to have their septum straitened. Having your septum fixed is not a “nose job” and will not change the appearance of the outside of the nose. Fixing a septum is purely for functional reasons and is only recommended if nasal breathing is a problem and the septum is the cause.

Breathing problems are usually related to both structural and congestion issues. It is recommended to try conservative regimens first to see if reducing congestion will improve breathing. These include allergy pills or prescription allergy nasal sprays. Sometimes just a natural nasal saline rinse can be adequate.

What is involved in septal surgery?

When septal surgery is performed, it is done through the inside of the nose. The skin covering the septum is elevated off the cartilage and bone, and those structures are either reshaped and repositioned or sometimes partially shaved to allow for better nasal function and a straighter septum. There is no bruising under the eyes and rarely is packing of the nose necessary.

What about just breathing through my mouth?

Chronic oral breathing will dry the throat and result in damage to the teeth and gums. We are born as obligate nose breathers (meaning we are able to breathe only through our noses in the first few months of life)—we have a nose meant to breathe through. The surgery is not a medical necessity but can improve your quality of life. You only need to get it fixed if you want to!

To find an excellent doctor who is right for you, please call our Physician Referral Service at 866.804.1007.

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