While so many of you are giving everything you possibly can to care for our patients, I also want to recognize one of the teams helping to keep you safe and healthy.

Our Employee Health Services (EHS) team has been incredibly agile in the midst of this pandemic. They moved to 4 Silver at the beginning of February, and they love that they are closer together and more connected. Just as they settled in, COVID-19 hit hard and they had to adapt to rapidly-changing employee health needs.

In addition to the increased employee visits volume, they are receiving an average of 200 inquiries daily from our MSBI family with questions or concerns. To meet this increased need, they quickly expanded their telehealth capabilities by engaging an army of willing health system providers from around our Downtown campus. They also set up a call center with extended hours so that they are available 7 am to 11 pm during weekdays and 7:30 am to 7:30 pm on weekends.

If that isn’t enough, this team quickly learned Epic so they could streamline the consult and testing process for everyone. The EHS team huddles daily, reacts in real time to our rapidly evolving situation, and has remained present and resilient through all of this. I am incredibly proud of them.

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