The Transitions of Care team at The Mount Sinai Hospital.
I would like to recognize the Transitions of Care team at The Mount Sinai Hospital for their extraordinary efforts during this time. Transitions of Care is a small group of nurses charged with a big task: calling patients post-discharge to assist them with the transition from hospital to home. This means tackling needs like continuing patient education, medication reconciliation, referrals to a home health agency, ensuring follow-up appointments are scheduled, and also symptom management.
COVID-19 has changed everyone’s life, both professionally and personally. This crisis has led to an explosion of patients on the daily assignment list, new workflows and new collaborations. It has had a profound effect on the patients: their anxiety is palpable. The TOCC nurses have remained resilient and graceful, giving every patient the time and attention they need and deserve and supporting one another through this harsh time. I salute the entire team for remaining Sinai Strong.
Submitted by:
Arzellra Walters, RN, Nurse Manager, Transitions of Care Center, The Mount Sinai Hospital