Alexander Lewis, program manager

Alexander Lewis, program manager, carries primary responsibility for management of The Mount Sinai Hospital mobile mammography program. Since 2018, under his management, more than 900 screening events have been hosted by employer groups, community-based organizations, medical clinics, elected officials, and media outlets, including CBS, Fox and ABC.

Alexander is in charge of host engagement and staffing, website and social media marketing, and marketing support for host organizations. The staff call him the “glue” that keeps the on-road team in action. According to Jean Stenard, operations manager of the mobile mammography program, “He makes sure we have the right people at the right time, so that our hosts and patients understand that we are there for them. Staff know that whatever challenges they may face in the field, Mr. Lewis is always available and able to advise and assure them that solutions can be found.”

Alexander is deeply knowledgeable about physical and regulatory aspects of moving a vehicle throughout New York City. He is an expert on keeping needed WIFI connected and following the registration process for staying on the road. “Our driver can go confidently to sites all over the city because Alexander is planning the route to avoid obstacles and meet Department of Transportation regulations—and these are legion,” Jean says.

Alexander is also an expert on the mechanics of the van, minimizing expenses and downtime. Jean explains, “When things go wrong, we rely on Alexander to triage and order the least invasive method to resolve. Without this deep knowledge base of our staff, we would be calling a service shop for advice and at the mercy of their queue. Based on experience, this would mean days or even weeks out of service. Alexander is fully committed to the care and feeding of our vehicle. He is committed to the welfare of our patients. It is an honor to serve with him.”

Alexander is humble when speaking about his contributions to the team. “We are not a one-person show. This is a conglomerate of talent. We have great technologists and registrars, and an excellent driver. We have outstanding leadership,” he says. “I am more than happy to use my small amount of technical/mechanical know-how to keep the vehicle on the road, because I understand how important it is for us to render care to people within the community. I enjoy contributing to the effort to raise awareness about breast cancer care, so patients who need it will receive early treatment.”

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