Last Friday, Union Square hosted its second Policy Fair. Don’t let the name scare you—this Olympics-themed event was all action and healthy competition!

The “Basketball” station told participants to “Slam Dunk on the competition by identifying what’s wrong with this station.”  Photos of various care stations showed PHI in plain sight, expired biomed equipment, or open sterile containers. The “Archery” station told participants to “Fire away and fill out the log that’s found on your unit correctly.”

The liveliest station was a race to put on PPE correctly and quickly! You can see a video of that on our Instagram page.

Knowing our policies is an essential step in providing safe care. However, it’s also one of the more challenging responsibilities to maintain over long periods of time and in light of the need to constantly upgrade our policies based on new standards and best practices. I’m incredibly thankful to our nursing leaders at Union Square who have creatively engaged us all. Keep an eye out for quarterly policy fairs at Union Square.

Thank you to all of you for embracing continuous learning and improvement.

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