This week I’d like to feature our patient care float pool staff for the support they offer to the various units in our hospital. They are consistent and flexible while working with so many different teams and patients depending on the daily needs of our various units and programs. And one additional thing that makes this work is the extra effort that the regular team members on each unit give to orienting and making our float staff feel at home.
Their sense of community and belonging is strong. Lies Moulla, a float staff patient care associate who has been part of our community for over 17 years, says that no matter what unit he is on, he is always able to connect the team members there and thinks of them as family.
Our patient care float pool team members represent the best of Beth Israel – always open to change and always ready, willing, and able to provide their expertise where they are most needed.

Top left, then clockwise: Mignon Sampson, PCA; Michael Sta Maria, RN; Lybra A Winds, PCA; Dolores Daly, PCA.

Top from left to right: Louis White, PCA; Jennifer Parker, PCA; Jovonn Douglas, PCA; Bottom from left to right: Jenny Lam, RN; Jackeline Vives, USA; Marie Blaise, RN.

Top left, then clockwise: Yolanda Rodriguez, USA; Victoria Tuoyo, PCA; Shatika Smith, RN; Rashid R Edwards, PCA.