This week is Patient Experience Week, and I was happy to see so many of you participate in the many events we had going on this week.

I’m incredibly thankful to every one of you who connect with our patients and keep them safe daily. You are doing an extraordinary job—it’s apparent both from patient comments and letters and our exceptional quality scores. We asked you how you contribute to an exceptional patient experience and you answered:

“Many of the patients at the Friedman Health Center are in the performing arts industry, so they can be very talkative and entertaining. The Medical Assistants here spend time chatting with them and making them feel welcome.”

Dominique Stennett, MHA
Practice Manager, Friedman Health Center for Performing Arts

“I am so proud of our team here in 10 Dazian pods A and B. Earlier this week, we had 2 floats, a PCA and a nurse. We tried to welcome them like a family, orient them to our unit, and routines and give them assignments fairly. We treat each other with respect and work as one!”

Maria Theresa (Techie) M. Mangalindan, BSN, RN, BC
10Dazian Pod A and B

“We work with very sick and often weak patients. Some of them don’t have health aides or family members that come to their appointments. Small things like helping them sit down or change their clothes can make the difference.”

-Ramonita Valle
Nurse Care Technician at Union Square Oncology


These are just a few examples.

Our focus on the patient experience will continue as we welcome and care for our patients and each other—every step of the way.  I hope you keep sharing your successes and challenges with us. I’ve said it before: Your Voice Counts. The patient experience begins with you.

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