Members of our amazing MSBI family often go above and beyond the call of duty for our patients and their family members. There are so many examples of this day in and day out.

Here are two recent examples from our intensive care unit.

A family member of a patient recently wrote this letter praising Dr. Lina Miyakawa and the ICU team:

“My first compliment is to the staff in the ICU who were wonderfully patient in providing me updates on my uncle’s condition at all hours of the day and night. I live far away so I really was calling at all hours of the day

Dr. Miyakawa’s approach in opening the meeting was surprising and heartwarming. Before we got into my uncle’s medical condition, she asked us to tell her about him—what kind of person he was, what he liked to do—clearly wanting to understand more about him, recognizing that might influence our perceptions and decisions about his care plan…I think many patients want to feel like their doctor is their advocate—Dr. Miyakawa made me feel like she was an advocate for my uncle and the family—giving us choices for his end of life while still holding his wishes as the highest authority.”

And here is another example:

MSBI patient Lissette met with Donald in kindergarten and they went to school together before losing touch as adults. Because of social media, they reconnected 20 years later and fell in love. For seven years they were together and dreamed of getting married. Lissette had a recurrence of cancer in 2014. In October of last year, they realized they had little time to fulfill their dream of getting married.

They expressed this desire to many people on their care team in MSBI’s ICU. Members of the social work, spiritual care, palliative care, and ICU teams quickly gathered to make it happen. Chaplain Max Reynolds raced down to City Hall to get registered to perform the ceremony, the social workers coordinated with the family, and the palliative care and ICU staff ensured there were flowers and cake for the celebration. Members of Lissette and Donald’s family attended the ceremony around the bed. There was not a dry eye on the unit.

Donald said, “I couldn’t have done any of this without the help of everyone. You guys rock.”

PS. Lissette and Donald and their family members gave us permission to share this story and to include their names.

What can I possibly add to that? Only this… I am profoundly humbled and honored to be a part of the MSBI family with you all.

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