Most adults experience joint pain at some point in their lifetime. But there are a number of simple steps you can take to reduce the pain, protect your joints, and avoid making things worse.

Do not work through the pain: If you are performing some kind of activity and begin to feel pain, try the following:

  • Stop the activity and rest.
  • Try performing the activity again. If pain persists, stop the activity and modify how you are performing the task. For instance, if you begin to feel shoulder pain when chopping vegetables, step closer to the cutting board or change the height of the table by standing, or try sitting in a chair.
  • If the pain persists, do not work through the pain.

Use your larger joints: Instead of lifting heavy items in the kitchen, for example, slide them across the counter. Or, if you need to lift something, hold the item close to your body and use your palms to lift, instead of the fingers.

Make things easy for yourself: Avoid tasks that cause discomfort or pain. Keep frequently used household items close to you, and avoid reaching far or straining to perform an activity. For transporting groceries, try using a wheeled cart or a backpack instead of carrying groceries by hand.

Take a break: If you have a lot of tasks to perform, spread the tasks throughout the day and alternate light and heavy tasks. Also, allow yourself extra time to complete tasks, so you can avoid rushing. Take a rest break while you still have energy—do not wait until exhaustion sets in. Try taking brief and frequent rest breaks.

Use proper body mechanics: Lift and carry items closer to your torso to decrease strain. Try to avoid unnecessary strain. Get heavy items delivered. And, if needed, ask for help.

If you are experiencing joint pain, call 877-MD-ORTHO or 877-636-7846 to find a doctor who can help.

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