It could not be more fitting that the World Health Organization designated 2020 as the “Year of the Nurse.” The worldwide outbreak of COVID-19 tested everyone and has impacted everyone’s lives. One thing that did not change is the way nurses continue to care selflessly for those who need it most during these challenging times. Seeing you all show up day after day with courage and compassion over the last few months has made me even prouder than ever to work alongside you. You have been agile, disciplined, compassionate, and strong. You continue to learn new skills and adapt to the changing needs of our community, always striving for excellence in your profession. Thank you.

In 2020 we also celebrate the 200th birthday of Florence Nightingale, founder of modern nursing. A pioneer in her field and a person of indomitable spirit, she said “The greatest heroes are those who do their duty in the daily grind of domestic affairs whilst the world whirls as a maddening dreidel.” Her words perfectly describe the recent whirlwind we’ve experienced and echo what we saw firsthand from all of you. You rose to the challenge both as human beings and caregivers.

However, Nurses Week 2020 looks so different than previous years. I wish we could offer you the kind of celebration you deserve. With excitement, I look forward to the future when we can be together again under different circumstances. At that time, I will offer you my hand, but until then, I offer you my heart which is overflowing with gratitude.

I’m not the only one overwhelmed by your contributions to our community. Here’s a video with messages from our Mount Sinai Downtown colleagues.

In addition, you can see the advertisements Mount Sinai ran in The New York Times and American Nurses Association journal in honor of you here.

To me, every week is Nurses Week. Thank you for your commitment, courage, and heroism.

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