What Is ‘Green Living’?

Green living involves an awareness of and responsibility for the natural balance of humanity’s needs and the well-being of the earth’s resources and ecosystems. Living green means taking action to protect both human health and the health of the environment. It involves managing our renewable and nonrenewable resources through creating healthy buildings, recycling, developing alternative energy, conserving energy, farming responsibly, creating healthy products, and much more.

Providing Care in a Green Environment

Such green principles have guided the Center for Health and Healing since its inception. The Center, which provides comprehensive integrative care, was designed to enhance patients’ physical, emotional and spiritual resources through responsive planning, selection of environmentally friendly materials and the creation of a distinctive, non-institutional atmosphere that promotes a healing environment. Awareness of environmental influences and their impact on health and wellness continually infuses the care our diverse health care practitioners provide to patients.

Resources for a Healthier, Greener Life

We have gathered the following list of practical websites and smartphone apps to help you live a greener life by avoiding what is harmful, buying what is healthful and protecting the earth in the process.


Environmental Working Group

This nonprofit organization provides practical consumer guides to healthy cleaning products, skin care products, pesticides in produce, sunscreen, water filters, healthy home tips and more.

Farmers Market Search
Search a current listing of farmers markets throughout the United States on this U.S. Department of Agriculture site.

GoodGuide™ provides reliable information on the health, environmental and social impacts of products and companies. Their mission is to help you find safe, healthy and green products that are better for you and the planet. Originated as a University of California, Berkeley research project, GoodGuide has developed into a totally independent “for-benefit” company providing information to consumers to help them make better decisions.

You can use this guide from the U.S. Department of Energy to choose the cleanest and most fuel-efficient vehicle that meets your needs. For model years 2014 and older, click on “Find a Car” and type in the year, make and model to search for information on specific vehicles.

Healthy Child Healthy World
This website is devoted to reliable and accessible information on limiting environmental toxin exposure for children.

Health eHome
Healthy Child Healthy World has partnered with WebMD on a website called Health eHome. On this site you can navigate virtual rooms of a family home, explore potential dangers and how to avoid hazards, learn easy solutions and new tips, watch short videos and join blog conversations.

Local Harvest
Find organic family farms, farmers markets, restaurants, groceries and food co-ops in your area. Search by city, ZIP code or state.

Smartphone Apps

Apple iOS, Google Android
Cost: Free
Find nearby locations to dispose of compact fluorescent lights, rechargeable batteries and more. Simple and easy to use, this app tells you how, where and when to recycle just about anything. Using your current location, ZIP code, address or city, you can get information on collection points, including website, phone number, directions, hours of operation and other materials collected.

Seafood Watch
Apple iOS, Google Android
Cost: Free
This handy guide from California’s Monterey Bay Aquarium tells you which seafood items are sustainably harvested, which are best to avoid, and the scientific rationales for each recommendation.

For more information about the Center for Health and Healing, an international leader in integrative care, research and education, please visit our website.

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