There’s not much certainty in the world right now, but I can say this with 100% confidence: we are going live on Epic in 16 days. I hope you are as excited as I am.

For our patients, Epic will provide a more seamless experience.

For our staff, Epic will enhance communication and help coordinate care across our system. It will cut down on inefficient paperwork and make workflows simpler and more consistent.

One thing I love about this process is that we’ve had teams of experts collaborating with us all along the way. Our MSBI IT team has been setting up new equipment to get us ready while our informatics team has put a lot of thought into how migrating to EPIC impacts our work. Our champions, Diana Raymond, RN, and Andrew Yu, MD, have been helping with education, answering all sorts of questions, and addressing each and every concern. Many of our nursing, physician, and support staff leads have spent hours working through the details. And, the MSHS IT Project Management Office has been providing clear guidance along the way; they’ve helped other system hospitals migrate to EPIC and their experience is invaluable.

I want to thank all of you ahead of our Go-Live. I know the switch will be a big adjustment at first. It may feel like you are learning to walk again. We are here for you. In fact, many extra support staff will be on site 24/7 through the entire transition and for many weeks after to ensure you have the help you need in real time. It will be hard work. And we know from our colleagues at other systems hospitals that have made this transition that it will be worth it.

Most of you have already signed up for and completed EPIC training. If you haven’t yet signed up for training there isn’t much time left. Many roles require several rounds of training, so please sign up as soon as you can. Go to PEAK to learn more or ask your manager.

Click below to see a few photos of our tabling event last week, and click here to see many of our Epic leads do the wave!

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