Our sign language interpreters provide a great service to our patients who are Deaf and hard of hearing.

Many of our ASL interpreters, from left to right: Heather Paradise, Nina Sturmer, Maria Towe, Donna Lee, and Hinde Nessanbaum.
Our team of eight nationally-certified American Sign Language interpreters specializes in medical interpreting. They provide services to both inpatient and ambulatory patients at Petrie and Union Square, including our ED, psychiatry department, inpatient units, and other specialty areas. I’m thankful for the mindful way they interact with our patients, facilitating communication while allowing the patients to develop relationships with their caregivers. Hinde Nessanbaum, the coordinator of sign language interpreters, Laura Hoffman, and Maria Towe have all been at MSBI more than 20 years.

Laura Hoffman describing a surgical procedure.
We recently cared for a patient who is Deaf after surgery who had a complex array of challenges. Our interpreters were there with the patient at every critical moment in care. Physical Therapist Franklin Erkes, along with interpreters Maria Towe and Nina Sturmer, showed incredible patience and persistence in helping this patient recover movement without pain. There was also a PCA, Melissa Hodges, who chose to spend her own free time with the patient. Melissa has been learning sign language and kept the patient company when the patient didn’t have visitors or aides. All of these relationships helped the patient heal with confidence and ease. Thank you all for your excellent service.

Franklin Erkes, PT

Melissa Hodge, PCA