Camille Davis, RN, a nurse in the Medical Intensive Care Unit at The Mount Sinai Hospital, has been compassionately caring for COVD-19 patients. She recently helped a patient and spouse converse by telephone after realizing the patient would likely pass away within hours.  The patient was drowsy, but recognized the spouse’s voice and said repeatedly, ‘’I love you, I love you.” That was at 5 pm; the patient died later that evening.

Camille called me at home to relay the story, and she was quite emotional; this was the first death in her unit. She wanted to facilitate this communication, but did not realize how difficult the situation could be. When I went back to the unit a few days after this call, there was Camille, in the process of helping another couple connect for the last time.

Camille is bound to her Mount Sinai family as deeply as she is to her patients and their families. Involved in Ebola planning five years ago, Camille is making the safety of colleagues a priority during this crisis, as well. She listens to their concerns and leads calmly and empathically.

Thank you, Camille.

Sonia Nelson, RN, Director, Nursing, The Mount Sinai Hospital

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