Patient Capri Djatiasmoro with Mary Lakaszawski, RN, MSN, and Sanghyun Kim, MD.

Capri Djatiasmoro, 68, is an elite swimmer who has completed the Manhattan Island Marathon Swim and swims year round with the Coney Island Polar Bear and Coney Island Brighton Beach Open Water Swimmers.

She is known for being mentally and physically tough, but nothing prepared her for the challenges of a gastrointestinal emergency that landed her in the Emergency Department at Mount Sinai Beth Israel (MSBI) and led to six surgeries over the last year.

“The team at Mount Sinai saved my life,” says Capri. She praised the “incredible” care provided by her surgeon, Sanghyun Kim, MD, and ostomy nurse, Mary Lakaszawski, RN, MSN, who practices at Mount Sinai Doctors Faculty Practice on East 98th Street but was called upon by Dr. Kim to treat Capri.

“Dr. Kim always gave me his full attention, answered all my questions, and kept me thoroughly informed,” Capri says. “Mary is simply golden. I needed to have an ostomy bag, and she was determined to fit me correctly and comfortably, no matter how long it took. She was so caring and made me feel like a full partner in the process. The entire team on 10 Silver made me feel like family.”

According to these providers, partnerships with patients are key to recovery. Ms. Lakaszawski told Capri, “We will get through this together, you are stuck with me. It’s a bit of a joke, but true.”

Dr. Kim, Chief of Colorectal Surgery at MSBI and Mount Sinai Union Square, credits Capri. “Her strength of character allowed her to fight through her surgeries and win.” And Capri is aiming to do just that—she is now training for two competitions.

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