Have you been to 13th Street and 2nd Avenue recently? The view has started to change…
My team and I are spending more time rounding and getting to know you. Many of you have been asking about the new hospital. Right now, we are well into the demolition of the old resident building for New York Eye and Ear Infirmary of Mount Sinai. This will be where we build the new MSBI. What you see below is a photo of the building taken last fall at the start of the demolition and one taken within the past month. If you look at the surrounding buildings, you can see how the height of the building has changed, and we are now down to the eighth floor. Because we are in the middle of a thriving urban environment, our demolition team must take down the building brick by brick. The building will be completely down by the end of August.
Photo of the New York Eye and Ear resident building when the scaffolding first went up in October.
Photo of the building in mid-May after demolishing down to the eighth floor.
The view from the twelfth floor looking down to the eleventh floor as a crane lifts up bricks as part of the demolition process.
This is a photo of the demolition in progress looking at the eighth floor.
We have also been meeting regularly to discuss the clinical plans and internal floor plans for the new hospital. There is still a lot to solidify, and we have some very exciting plans to help make us the hospital of the future. Below are renderings of the exterior of the building and the inside of a patient room, which will allow for telehealth capabilities and other new technology.
Renderings of the future view on 13th Street to maximize light in patient’s rooms.
Rendering of the new hospital entrance.
Rendering of the inside of a patient room.
I’m so excited to share this all with you. You’ve been incredibly patient and resilient while we work toward our new hospital and expanded Downtown network.