Women and Heart Disease: We Are Not Just ‘Small Men’

Here is the bad news: Heart disease kills more women than do all cancers combined, yet many women still cite breast cancer as their chief health concern. Young women, especially, do not think heart disease is a threat. But, since 1984, more women than men die each year from heart disease. Although death from heart attack has declined in both men and women over the last 30 years, the decrease has been more pronounced in males than females. Depression after a heart attack is twice as likely to occur in women than men, and depression increases the chance of a second heart attack. (more…)

Training Like a Football Player

Guest post by H. Marie Williams

We have arrived at the most exciting time of the football season: Bowl games, playoffs and, ultimately, the Super Bowl. With all the attention these games draw, fans and fitness enthusiasts alike marvel at how well-conditioned and skilled the players are. Getting to that level of performance requires dedication, hard work, skill and excellent programming. (more…)

Get in the Zone: Use Energy Systems to Train With Purpose

Guest post by H. Marie Williams

If you are considering a new training program, there are a few things you should know about how to train. Perhaps the most important thing to know is what zone you need to use in order to achieve your physiological goals.

The body draws energy from different systems depending on the type of exercise performed and these systems will determine what calorie sources get burned and how the body’s physiology is affected. The three energy systems are the phosphagen system, glycolysis and the oxidative system. (more…)

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