Fungal Nail Infection

Guest post by Danielle Jardine, MD

Your favorite boots have been packed away. The warm socks that kept your feet cozy during the long winter are back in boxes under the bed. For the next few months, summer shoes are the favored footwear. From sandals and slings to Birkenstocks and Blahniks, during the warmer months, open-toed shoes are everywhere and toes are once again exposed.

But what about the dreaded fungal nail infection? How do you avoid it? If you have it, how do you get rid of it? Most fungal nail infections affect the toenails, although they can appear in fingernails, too. Keep your toenails and fingernails looking and feeling great this season by knowing what fungal nail infection is and how to avoid or treat it.


Keeping Your Summer Stress Free

Summer is often associated with carefree days. However, when not carefully thought out, summertime can be stressful: Where will you spend the holidays? What do you need to pack and what will you eat on a trip? Which programs or camps should you choose? When confronted with these and other concerns, consider these tips on maintaining a stress-free summer: (more…)

So, You’ve Been Bitten by a Tick

Ticks are parasitic arachnids that live in grassy or wooded areas. People can unknowingly pick up ticks as they walk past bushes, plants and grass. Ticks can also be carried on a pet and then transferred to a human. According to the National Institutes of Health: “Ticks can be fairly large—about the size of a pencil eraser—or so small that they are almost impossible to see. Ticks can cause a variety of health conditions ranging from harmless to serious.” (more…)

Adult Acne: Why Am I Still Breaking Out at My Age?

Many people think acne affects only teenagers. On a daily basis, I encounter patients over the age of 20 who complain and ask: “Why am I still breaking out at my age? Shouldn’t I have outgrown acne?”

As acne is more prevalent in adolescents (affecting more than 85% of them), it has been miscategorized as an adolescence disease. It probably doesn’t help that most ads for acne target teens and young adults. However, in the physician’s office, the mean age of presentation for treatment is 24 years, with 10% of patients being between the ages of 35 and 44. (more…)

The Challenge of Preventing Pressure Ulcers

By Jeffrey M. Levine MD, and Michael Cioroiu, MD

Pressure ulcers are breaks in the skin over boney areas, such as the heel, elbows and tailbone. They occur in people who are at special risk for skin breakdown, including:

• Patients with spinal cord injuries

• People who are bed-bound with advanced dementia or chronic debilitating neurologic disease like multiple sclerosis

• Individuals with acute illness requiring stays in the intensive care unit (more…)

Why Am I Shedding My Hair?

Did you know that during the normal course of a day, you will lose between 50 and 100 hairs? This is nothing to be concerned about — it’s just nature’s way of replacing old hair with new. Other mammals have growing and shedding seasons, but human beings consistently grow and shed hair on a daily basis throughout life. But what happens when you lose more hair than is typical?


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