There has been a great deal of confusion about what the Latch on NYC initiative is all about. Many people believe that participating hospitals will “lock up” their infant formula, and “force” mothers to breastfeed. This is not the case. The initiative is part of an effort to better inform women so they can make the best choices for themselves and their babies.
Promoting products by handing out free formula samples is not the role of the hospital. Our role is to provide our patients with the most current, evidence-based information. If a mother then chooses to breastfeed, we will help her to get breastfeeding off to a good start. If a mother chooses to formula feed, the staff will instruct her on safe preparation and feeding of formula. The hospital will provide formula for those babies during the hospital stay, just as we provide meals for their mothers.
As a participant in Latch on NYC initiative, Mount Sinai Beth Israel has agreed to:
* Enforce the New York State hospital regulation to not supplement breastfeeding infants with formula unless medically indicated and documented on the infant’s medical chart.
* Limit access to infant formula by hospital staff.
* Discontinue the distribution of promotional or free infant formula.
* Prohibit the display and distribution of infant formula advertising or promotional materials in any hospital location.
I would urge anyone who is interested in learning more about what this initiative really means to mothers and their babies to visit the Latch on NYC website at:
Rachel Levine, IBCLC, is a Board-Certified Lactation Consultant at Mount Sinai Beth Israel.
Kudos to Beth Israel for participating in this health-affirming effort for infants and their mothers!! The steps BI is taking will merely help to ensure that each mother who wishes to breastfeed her baby LEAVES THE HOSPITAL ACTUALLY BREASTFEEDING. Some mothers do not realize their chosen breastfeeding goal because formula bottles provided to the baby without a medical need can interfere with successful breastfeeding. Those who choose to feed formula will still receive it . Congratulations, BI, for choosing to take these steps to improve maternal and child health.