This week, we honored members of our opioid treatment programs for their ability to connect with patients and provide them the unending expertise and support they need to live full lives.

Dr. Edmund A. Drew, Jr. was the Beth Israel’s Chief of Methadone Services from 1985 until his death in 2007. He was a role model and mentor to many because of his passion for improving the lives of both patients and families.

Every year, OTP employees gather together to celebrate the Drew Awards based on Dr. Drew’s legacy. OTP employees nominate their colleagues who exemplify his qualities of excellence, and a committee of peers then reviews the nominations and selects the award recipients.

This year, we recognized Clinic Physician Ricardo Dunner, MD, for being an exceptional voice, patient advocate, and educator for both staff and patients. Through his work, we have gained so much insight into seeing all of our patients as complex human beings who are so much more than the labels that society assigns them.

Above: Ricardo Dunner, MD, pictured with Senior Director Teri Friedman.

We also recognized Vocational Rehabilitation Counselor Jolita Eimutaviciute, who exemplifies consistent dedication and commitment to her patients. She always brings positive energy to the work environment, is humble and gracious, intentional in the quality of service she provides, and the first to volunteer to work on projects that can improve outcomes.

Above is Jolita Eimutaviciute on the right with Yves Cyraque-Cadet, Supervisor Social Work, on the left.

Each year it gets harder and harder to pick just a few people because there are so many on our team who provide empathic and compassionate care to our patients every day. I can’t thank them enough.

Nominees for the Drew Award are pictured below and include, left to right: Danisha Marrero, Patient Service Representative; Michelle Bernard, Patient Service Representative; Dennis Mitchell, OTP Counselor; Brenda Davis, Manager Patient Advocate; Willie Lopez, OTP Counselor.

Our OTP program is one way we have been continuously improving the lives of patients with opioid use disorder. The MSBI Emergency Department also offers a wide array of services for these patients, including events to educate the public on administering Naloxone, the drug that helps reverse opioid overdose. The next event is on Wednesday, December 18, 9am-1pm in the Union Square lobby. You can read more about the Emergency Department’s services for patients with opioid use disorder and get more updates on the MSBI blog here.

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