We recently had a unique patient in the MSBI emergency room. As always, our team provided the best and most compassionate care.
Last month, a woman came to our Emergency Department with her very sick Shitz Shu. We don’t care for dogs typically, but Laura Hogrefe, RN, could see that the dog needed care immediately—it wasn’t breathing well and almost lifeless. She called 911 and 411 to see if someone could transport the dog to a vet, but the wait was going to be over a day, and this dog didn’t have that kind of time.
Laura and Gloria Gonzales, PCA, located a nearby veterinarian and got the woman and her pup in a cab to the vet’s office. By this time, Laura had hooked the dog up to an oxygen tank to help him breathe. Gloria accompanied the woman and the dog in the cab, carrying the oxygen tank next to the dog. When they reached Fifth Avenue, the Pride Parade blocked the cab’s progress, and the woman continued on foot the last few blocks to arrive at the veterinarian. The entire ED and MSBI team is hoping the woman and her dog made it safely to the vet.

Laura Hogrefe, RN, third from the left, with many members of the ED team who work nights and evenings.

Gloria Gonzales, PCA, who helped transport the dog to a veterinarian.
The compassion our ED shows daily for people and pups alike has me prouder than ever to work at MSBI.