Our community depends on us 24/7, rain, shine, or snow. Yesterday, many of you went to great lengths to get here in the snow storm. Many of you also put in extra hours to ensure that our patients remained safe. I can’t thank you enough for being there for your patients. Here are some pictures of our staff across many of our locations who braved the storm yesterday.

You always go the extra mile to deliver great patient care, but what amazes me even more is how you all take care of each other. Our chef and kitchen staff prepared two meals for employees on top of everything else they do for patients. The tamales were delicious and the company kept us warm. Our patient care services, EVS, and transformation teams made sure that MSBI employees had a place to sleep if they couldn’t get home or they worked extra hours. Our engineering team worked around the clock to keep us warm and safe. Thank you all for taking care of your colleagues.


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